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7 Daily Spiritual Productive Habits to Develop

Bhatkallys Other

You should aim to develop the following 7 Spiritually Productive activities into habits so that you can hopefully continue benefitting from them throughout your life. I consider these activities as the spiritual ‘bread and butter’ of any ProductiveMuslim. To develop them as habits is the essence of embarking on your journey towards the love of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) and constantly increasing in your eman, inshaAllah: 1) Pray the Sunnah Prayers before and/or after Prayer: I know it’s easie

یہ شخص وفادار تیرا ہے کہ نہیں ہے

Bhatkallys Other

ازافادات: حضرت مولانا مفتی ابوالقاسم صاحب نعمانی دامت برکاتہم مہتمم دارالعلوم دارالعلوم دیوبند ترتیب: محمد اویس رشادی الحمد للہ رب العالمین والصلوۃ والسلام علی رسولہ النبی الکریم اما بعد: عن عبد اللہ بن عباسؓ کنت ردف النبی ؐ فقال یا غلام! احفظ اللہ یحفظک احفظ اللہ تجدہ تجاھک فاذا سألت فسأل اللہ واذا استعنت فاستعن باللہ واعلم ان الامۃ لو اجتمعت علی ان ینفعوک بشئی لم ینفعوک بشئی الا ما کتب اللہ لک ولو اجتمعت علی ان یضروک بشئی لم یضروک بشئی الا قد کتب اللہ علیک رفعت الاقلام وجفت الصحف۔ (ترمذی)

Prayers: A Special Connection with God

Bhatkallys Other

By Shahul Hameed The prostration in prayer symbolizes the worshipper's total and unconditional submission to God Almighty. Islam signifies the subjection of all activities in all walks of life to the Law of God Almighty, and leaving nothing to the whims and fancies of anyone else. God has commanded the believers to declare: {Truly, my prayer, my service of sacrifice, my life, and my death, are (all) for Allah (God), the Cherisher of the Worlds.} (Quran6:162) This means that

20 Quick Tips For Better Time Management

Bhatkallys Other

Are you usually punctual or late? Do you finish things within the time you stipulate? Do you hand in your reports/work on time? Are you able to accomplish what you want to do before deadlines? Are you a good time manager? If your answer is “no” to any of the questions above, that means you’re not managing your time as well as you want. Here are 20 tips on how to be a better time manager: Create a daily plan. Plan your day before it unfolds. Do it in the morning or even better, the night b

سوچنے کی بات

Bhatkallys Other

از: سیف آکرمی بھٹکل درد کہیں رشتوں میں بٹ جاتاہے۔کبھی ماں کے دل میں سما جاتا ہے بچون کے لئے پیار کا’’ لاوا‘‘ بن کر،کبھی باپ کے شفقت بنکر بچوں کے خون میں گردش کرتا ہے جس کے اُس کا بچپن ،جوانی تک سیراب ہوتی ہے۔مزید اُس کی پرورش اور نشوؤنما کے لئے اندھا بنکر غلط کام تک کر بٹیھتا ہے۔اپنی پدرانہ شفقت کے بھنور میں کھو جاتاہے۔حالانکہ اُسے ایسا نہیں کرناچاہیے مگرپھر بھی وہ کر جاتاہے۔درد محبت کا ترجمان ہے جو آنکھوں سے دل میں اُتر کر دل میں گھر کرنے لگتا ہے اور وہاں سے پرورش پاکراشعار کی شکل میں لوگوں کے

Asking Allah for Forgiveness for Our Sins

Bhatkallys Other

These two stories from the Prophet’s (S.A.W.S.) ahadith (sayings) shed light on Allah’s happiness when we ask Him for His forgiveness for our sins. The stories also show that Allah is always looking for ways to forgive his believing slaves – we just need to make that strong intention to look inward, recognize our sins, and then to repent for those sins and ask Him for His forgiveness. In a popular hadith, Ibn Mas’ud narrated that the Prophet said: “Indeed, Allah is more happy with the re

بے مثال ادیب عرب حضرت محمد ﷺ کے جوامع الکلم (اقوال زریں)

Bhatkallys Other

از:محمد نجیب قاسمی سنبھلی ( فصاحت وبلاغت کے پیکر اور بے مثال ادیب عرب حضرت محمدمصطفی ﷺ نے ارشاد فرمایا کہ مجھے جوامع الکلم سے نوازا گیا ہے۔ (صحیح بخاری) جس کا حاصل یہ ہے کہ آپ ﷺچھوٹی سی عبارت میں بڑے وسیع معانی کو بیان کرنے کی قدرت رکھتے تھے۔ آپﷺ کی بے شمار خصوصیات میں سے ایک اہم ترین خصوصیت یہ بھی ہے کہ جس وقت آپ پر پہلی وحی نازل ہوئی اور آپ سے پڑھنے کے لئے کہا گیاتو آپﷺ نے مَا اَنَا بِقَارِئکہہ کر معذرت چاہی، لیکن اللہ تعالیٰ کی جانب سے ایسی خاص الخاص تربیت ہوئی کہ آپﷺ کے

Account of Power

Bhatkallys Other

Al-Rum (The Romans) - Chapter 30: Verse 8 (partial) "Have they not reflected on their own selves?" There are plenty of signs and evidence which point to the Hereafter but people are heedless of these due to their own shortsightedness. They only see the apparent and outward aspect of this worldly life and they are unaware of what is hidden behind it. If people reflect on their own selves, apart from the external phenomena, they will realize the necessity of a second life after the present

Apples and Pears Associated With Reducing Stroke Risk

Bhatkallys Other

A Dutch study has concluded that that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables with white flesh, such as apples and pears, is linked to protecting against stroke. While previous studies have linked high consumption of fruits and vegetables with lower stroke risk, the researchers' prospective work is the first to examine associations of fruits and vegetable color groups with stroke. The color of the edible portion of fruits and vegetables reflects the presence of beneficial phytochemicals such

Beneficial Speech

Bhatkallys Other

The believers are encouraged to be thoughtful and to speak only with discretion and forethought as to the likely effects of the words they utter. For those who do so, the following Hadith promises a great spiritual reward: "When a servant of God says that which is clear and correct (i.e. having given thought to whether it is beneficial or not), through (his words) he is distanced from the Fire by a distance greater than that what is between sunrise and sunset." [Riyad As-Saleheen] When quoti

Clarify Expectations

Bhatkallys Other

Clarifying expectations is to create shared vision and agreement about what is to be done up front. This is one of those behaviours that people rarely pay enough attention to. It is the behaviour of prevention because if you focus on this one up front, you will avoid heartaches and headaches later on. Clarifying expectations can be challenging. We each bring our own meaning to language and experience. Meaning is not in things; it's not even necessarily in words. Meaning is in people. So even if

State of Serenity

Bhatkallys Other

Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) - Chapter 22: Verse 34 (partial) "Herald (the good news) to those who humble themselves." Humility is one of the precursors of the state of serenity; it is the inception of safety from reversal and hesitation. It consists of three levels: The first level is having virtuousness overcome desire, willpower staving off carelessness and the quest winning over coziness. The second level consists in not having any cause diminish one's willpower, any incident alienat

Expert Advice: How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Really Need?

Bhatkallys Other

Lack of sleep has led me to make many bad decisions: I've fumbled at work, eaten an extra meal, forgotten important events and on more than one occassion, worked through a terrible headache. I never attributed these mistakes to lack of sleep until recently when I rediscovered its true value. Sleep makes people happy, productive and more energetic. But the lack of it can contribute to a string of health problems: weight-loss, high blood pressure, lower immunity and low productivity. Accordi

رحمۃ للعالمین ﷺ کی سیرت رب العالمین کی زبانی

Bhatkallys Other

از: محمد نجیب قاسمی سنبھلی ( قرآن کریم اللہ تعالیٰ کا وہ عظیم الشان کلام ہے جو انسانوں کی ہدایت کے لئے خالق کائنات نے اپنے آخری رسول حضور اکرمﷺ پر نازل فرمایا۔ قرآن کریم اللہ تعالیٰ کی وہ عظیم کتاب ہے جس کی حفاظت اللہ تعالیٰ نے خود اپنے ذمہ لی ہے جیساکہ اللہ تعالیٰ کا فیصلہ قرآن کریم میں موجود ہے: اِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّکْرَ وَاِنَّا لَہٗ لَحَافِظُوْنَ (سورۃ الحجر آیت ۹) یہ ذکر (یعنی قرآن) ہم نے ہی اتارا ہے، اور ہم ہی اس کی حفاظت کرنے والے ہیں۔ قرآن کریم کی سب سے پہل

Living the Qur'an - Finest Abode

Bhatkallys Other

Al-Furqan (The Criterion) - Chapter 25: Verses 75, 76 "These will be rewarded for all their patient endurance [in life” with a high station in heaven, and will be met there with a greeting of welcome and peace, and there they shall abide; how goodly an abode and how high a station." The Arabic text uses the term al-ghurfah, which is translated here as ‘a high station in heaven’. The term may be taken to mean in this context either heaven, or a special place in heaven. Linguistically speak

10 Foods to Eat Regularly For Better Health That Are Widely Available

Bhatkallys Other

Some foods are better than others for providing a superior source of antioxidants and essential nutrients. These "superfoods" are whole foods that pack a lot of punch for theirweight as far as nutrition goes. Here are ten superfoods that are readily available for most of the year, and which should be incorporated into your diet on a daily or weekly basis. Try to eat as many of them organic and unprocessed as possible.   Green Leafy vegetablesGreen leafy vegetables are so readily a

Understanding the Prophet's Life - Just in Love

Bhatkallys Other

Understanding the Prophet's Life  Just in Love Our love for the Prophet should encourage us toward love for humanity, kindness, and forgiveness. It should never be an excuse to foment hatred, which can lead to violence against other people. Whether we are living as a minority community or make up the majority in any country, Muslims must never fall into the deadly habit of collective blame for crimes. In specific, we must never generalize and harm our neighbours who may share the faith of t

(سرزمینِ بھٹکل سے اُمید کی ایک کرن (مضمون : مولانااسرارالحق قاسمی

Bhatkallys Other

خدمت خلق کے شعبہ میں زائد از چاردہائیوں پرمحیط اپنی عملی زندگی کے دوران ملک و ملت کے ایک ادنیٰ خدمت گار اور سماجی کارکن کی حیثیت سے مجھے ملک کے طول و عرض میں جانے کا موقع ملاہے۔گذشتہ صدی میں ستر کی دہائی کے اوائل سے لے کر اب تک ملک کے مختلف حصوں میں کشمیر سے کنیاکماری تک اور گجرات سے آسام تک تقریباً ایک لاکھ تیس ہزارشہروں،قصبوں اور گاؤں میں جاجاکر ملت اور ملت کے افراد کو قریب سے دیکھا ہے اوران کے حالات سے آگاہی حاصل کی ہے۔قدرتی آفات اور فرقہ وارانہ فسادات کے دوران یا ان المیوں کے فوراً بعد جس مق