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Muslim population in Karnataka an Analysis-1

Bhatkallys Other

Census 2011 is in progress. This is seventh census since independence. After independence, it was in 1951 when for the first time census was conducted which showed how many people from both the countries had migrated from one another as a result of partition. However, in context of the creation of Pakistan, Hindu population from Pakistan had come to India, and Muslim population from India had migrated to Pakistan. Hence, we cannot say precisely how many Muslims had migrated from India to Paki

کیا بڑی بات تھی ہوتے جو مسلماں بھی ایک

Bhatkallys Other

سھارا نیوز حاصل مطالعہ: جیلانی شاہ بندری

خدا کا شکر کہ ہم غدار نہیں نکلے

Bhatkallys Other

حاصل مطالعہ جیلانی شاہ بندری سہارا نیوز

شہد سے جسم کا وزن کم کریں

Bhatkallys Other

Where was the media when Muslims were raped in Gujarat & Kashmir: Arundhati roy

Bhatkallys Other

December 24: I do not believe that Delhi is the rape capital.If the rape has been going on for years. Muslims were raped in gujrat & Kashmir, Manipur also happens but then picks up no sound. Dalit women are raped in Kherlanjhi and his daughter was burned them Then a voice was raised. Only a feudal mindset which raises voice of the people of the great nation, dominated happens with people in Delhi. Chhattisgarh tribal woman with Sony Tyre happened if you will recall. But the police d

Rethink the new UAPA (Editorial)

Bhatkallys Other

Thanks to robust resistance offered by members of the Upper House, Parliament has bought itself more time to debate the wisdom of adding more draconian provisions to the already twice-amended Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). The government pushed through the latest set of amendments in the Lok Sabha overriding objections and demands for greater scrutiny of the Bill, especially in the light of India’s previous experience with anti-terrorism laws. From the Terrorist and Disruptive Acti

Mind-Controlled Robotic Hand Allows Woman to Pour Water

Bhatkallys Other

A woman paralyzed from the neck down was able to move a robotic hand using her thoughts almost as freely and naturally as people without disability, aided by tiny electronic implants in her brain, scientists said. The 52-year-old patient, diagnosed 13 years earlier with a rare degenerative disease that wears away brain and spinal structures, moved the prosthesis by the second day of training, researchers said today in the Lancet medical journal. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh cond

10 foods all men should eat

Bhatkallys Other

A varied, balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. ...… Posted By Realbuzz, Friday, 25 February 2011 13:01 GMT A varied, balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. While there are some foods we should all be eating more of, men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as

Why eggs are back on the menu

Bhatkallys Other

Low in calories and packed with nutrients, they should be part of a balanced diet As the latest superfood hits the headlines (when was the last time you ate broccoli sprouts?), it's easy to forget the humble egg. Packed with nutrients, relatively low in calories and easy to obtain, here are some reasons why eggs should be part of a balanced, healthy diet. Protein Eggs are a rich source of high quality protein. A medium sized egg has more than 6g of protein, and contains all eight of the es

سچی باتیں ۔۔۔ ۱۳ مارچ ۱۹۲۵ ۔۔۔ تحریر: مولانا عبد الماجد دریابادی

Bhatkallys Other

مکہ معظمہ سے خبر آئی ہے ، کہ سلطان عبد العزیز ابن سعود نے حکم جاری فرمادیا ہے، کہ اذان کی آواز سنتے ہی ہر شخص پر نماز باجماعت کے لئے مسجد حرم یا محلہ کی مسجد میں حاضری لازمی ہے، اور جو شخص اس حکم کی تعمیل میں کوتاہی کرے گا وہ شرعی سزا کا مستحق ہوگا۔ اب ہمارے وہ ناواقف بھائی جو اس حکومت کو ’’وہابی‘‘ کہہ کر گویا اپنے نزدیک اس کی انتہائی بدعقیدگی وگمراہی کا اظہار کرتے رہتے ہیں ذرا اپنے دل میں سوچیں، کہ ایسے خالص اسلامی کی جاری کرنے والی حکومت کو بدنام کرنا جائز ہوگیا؟ کیا یہ جماعت اسی قابل تھی،

سچی باتیں۔۔۔ ۶ مارچ ۱۹۲۵ ۔۔۔ تحریر: مولانا عبد الماجد دریابادی

Bhatkallys Other

مسلمانوں کی جنتری میں اس مبار ک مہینہ کا نام شعبانؔ ہے۔ اسے مبارک اس لئے کہاگیاہے ، کہ رسول خدا ﷺ نے اسے ایک خاص عبادت، روزہ کے لئے چن لیاتھا۔ صحیح حدیثوں میں اس مہینے کے روزوں کی بڑی فضیلتیں اور برکتیں وارد ہوئی ہیں۔ اور بعض میں آیاہے ، کہ بعد رمضان کے فرض روزوں کے، رسول خداﷺ جس ماہ میں سب سے زیادہ روزہ رکھتے تھے، وہ یہی ماہ شعبان ہے۔ اسی ماہ کے وسط میں ایک رات ایسی آتی ہے، جس کی بابت یہ روایت آئی ہے ، کہ آپ اس میں اٹھ کر قبرستان تشریف لے جاتے، اور مُردہ مسلمانوں کے حق میں دعائے مغفرت فرمات