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Ramadan: A Time for Revival or Survival?

Bhatkallys Other

As in years past, the beloved yet unexpected guest of millions,"Holy Ramadan" once again enters our lives. Muslims are filled with great joy in anticipation of welcoming him. Yet to one unaccustomed, it would almost seem as if Muslims had never met him before! All of a sudden, our new-found love for this guest causes us to radically change our daily schedules and habits to entertain him. Our Mosques mysteriously overflow with worshippers, chapters of the Quran are heard chanted till the wee hou

Common Mistakes During Ramadan

Bhatkallys Other

Author: Sheikh Ahmad Musa Jibril (May Allah hasten his release) Bismillah Wasalatu wasalam A'la Rasulillah. Ama Ba'ad* 1) Focusing on food; to the extent that people begin to worry about eating more then actually fasting. This also goes along with spending tons of money on Iftars even though a person does not need to eat that much food. 2) Making Suhr way before Fajr. Some people eat Suhr a few hours after Tarawih or Isha Salah, this is wrong. It should be eaten closer to the time of Fa

Ramadan: A Time for Growth in Love, Devotion and Lasting Change

Bhatkallys Other

The time for Ramadan is here again, so once more we will be actively involved in Ibadat, or acts of devotion, including fasting, prayers, Taraweeh, late night prayers, Quran recitation, and other forms of worship. However, before we become too engaged in our Ibadat, let’s remember our larger goals for this month so that we can make the most of the coming days and weeks. Therefore, as part of our Ibadat and obedience to Allah this Ramadan, let us seek to improve our relationship with Allah by ask

How fasting can renew your immunity

Bhatkallys Other

London: Fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly, scientists have found in a breakthrough described as “remarkable”. Although fasting diets have been criticised by nutritionists for being unhealthy, new research suggests starving the body kick-starts stem cells into producing new white blood cells, which fight off infection. Scientists at the University of Southern California say the discovery could be particularly beneficial

تڑپ مکہ مدینہ چی حسرت دوبئی انی مسقط چی: از مناظر آحسن سکری

Bhatkallys Other

کلمہ پڑھون ،مسلمان واڑون شانو زالا مگ ہی تڑپ ضرور رھاتا ، حجے وچو کاز ، اللہ چے گھرچی زیا رت کر و کا ز، کعبہ چو طواف کروکاز ، صفا مروہ چی سعی کروکا ز،ابو زمزم پانا،چی باویں کڑے وچون پانی پیو کاز،مزدلفہ چے میدانات فاتر لیو نکڑون  انی جمون  میدان منیٰ چے جمرات وچون شیطانا فاترے ماروکاز ۔ انی ہیں سا ؤس  کروچا سبب اللہ چے فرمان مطابق  انی رسولﷺکرون داخڑلی سنت مطابق فانگرے کفنا پرین دون چادریں اپلے آنگا ر گوڑون پانچویں فرض حج بیت اللہ چی ادائیگی سبب اللہ محبوب اسلّو گھالون  ہو فریضہ ادا کروکاز ۔ ایم

Honey and Anti-Biotic Resistance: A New Approach!

Bhatkallys Other

Honey is a new approach to fighting antibiotic resistance: How sweet it is!  Honey, that delectable condiment for breads and fruits, could be one sweet solution to the serious, ever-growing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, researchers said here today.Medical professionals sometimes use honey successfully as a topical dressing, but it could play a larger role in fighting infections, the researchers predicted. Their study was part of the 247th National Meeting of the American Che

What they say about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Bhatkallys Other

During the centuries of the crusades, all sorts of slanders were invented against the Prophet Muhammad (p)2. However, with the birth of the modern age, marked with religious tolerance and freedom of thought, there has been a great change in the approach of Western authors in their delineation of his life and character. The West, however, has yet to go a step forward to discover the greatest reality about Muhammad (p); that is his being the true and the last Prophet of God for all humanity.

Take a walk to get new ideas, researchers say

Bhatkallys Other

If you find yourself in a creative slump, scientists have a suggestion: Take a walk. People generate more creative ideas when they walk than when they sit, according to new research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. “Everyone always says going on a walk gives you new ideas, but nobody had ever proved it before,” said Marily Oppezzo, a professor of psychology at Santa Clara University and the lead author of the study. In fa

An Excellent Dua for this Life and the Hereafter

Bhatkallys Other

This is one of the Duas that most Muslims recite daily in their prayers and outside their prayers. This Dua is not only mentioned in the Quran but Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S.) advised us of the many merits of this Dua. Ibn Al-Kathir also mentions in his tafsir that the Sunnah encourages us reciting this Dua (i.e., in the Ayah about gaining a good deed in this life and the Hereafter). Al-Bukhari reported that Anas bin Malik narrated that the Prophet used to say: (O Allah, our Lord! Giv

آنکھ جو کچھ دیکھتی ہے........... اچھے دن آ گئے!..........مگر کس کے؟! ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شبابؔ

Bhatkallys Other لو بھئی! کفر ٹوٹا خدا خدا کر کے! بالآخر نریندر مودی جی سرکاری طور پر اب ہندوستان کے وزیر اعظم بن ہی گئے۔ایک عرصہ سے ڈنکا بج رہا تھاکہ ’’ وہ آئیں گے!‘‘....’’وہ آتے ہیں!.....‘‘ اور اب آخر کار .....’’.وہ آپہنچے مرے در پر!!!‘‘....والامعاملہ ہو گیا۔الیکشن سے پہلے ، الیکشن کے دوران اور الیکشن کے فوری بعد جیسے بھی مناظر رہے ہوں اور یار لوگوں نے مودی مہاراج کے ’’اچھے دن آنے والے ہیں ‘‘ جیسے شلوگن سے جس قسم کی بھی خوش گمانیاں پال رکھی ہوں، لیکن دل کی آنکھیں اور دماغ کی کھڑکیاں ک

Future of Congress

Bhatkallys Other

This is not the first time that the Congress has been decimated, getting only 44 seats in the 543-member Lok Sabha.  The party met more or less a similar fate in the 1977 election held after the emergency. Mrs Indira Gandhi, the architect of the emergency and her extra-constitutional son, Sanjay Gandhi, too lost in the polls. Yet the Congress retained the three southern states—Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala. Even the overall tally was around 150. It was, indeed, a defeat but not a rout as

The easiest way to a healthy heart

Bhatkallys Other

Researchers in the United States say their studies suggest that greater consumption of fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of developing heart diseases in women. These women are less likely to have plaque build-up in their arteries 20 years later compared with those who consumed lower amounts of these foods in their adulthood, the study noted. Build-up of plaque can lead to heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Surprisingly, the findings of the research showed that the same benefit di

Fascism can only destroy a nation

Bhatkallys Other

Robert Paxton argues that fascism is “a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion

Ajwa Dates Contain Cancer-Preventing Property

Bhatkallys Other

A new research says it has found evidence that the Ajwa date from Madinah contains active elements useful in the prevention of diseases like cancer. The research was carried out in Riyadh-based King Saud University (KSU) to discover the health benefits of Ajwa dates, which resulted in the finding that thefruit has anti-inflammatory properties similar to commercially available drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin. The study found that the inhibition rate in Ajwa was equal to existing commercial

Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal - Islamic Renaissance and Pan Islamic Proponent‏

Bhatkallys Other

Sir Muhammad Iqbal (9th November 1877 - 21st April 1938) also known as Allama (Scholar of Highest Rank) Iqbal was a philosopher, poet, politician, and a social reformist. He is widely acclaimed to have inspired millions of Muslims to demand a separate homeland from the British Empire in India. Religious scholar and Sufi Master, Iqbal’s literary works in Urdu and Persian are largely based on teachings of the Holy Quran.  He propagated self-respect and self-realization and reiterated the need t

How to be smart with your household budget

Bhatkallys Other

The supermarket may contain everything under one roof, but if you spend a little time comparing prices, you will find that local shops carry items of the same, or better quality, and at better prices. You're also assured of freshness if you go to the market. Where does your monthly salary go? Do you allocate a certain amount to be spent on the house, or is it a case of buying things as you need? Did you know that there are huge savings to be had from maintaining a budget, and not just in term

شب بیداری کا مرض : عام مطالعا تی رپورٹ

Bhatkallys Other

(ایجنسی) جدید سائنس اور ٹیکنالوجی نے انسان کو جہاں آسائشوں اورسہولیات کا عادی بنا دیا ہے، وہیں اس دور میں رہنے والوں کی نیندیں بھی اڑا کر رکھ دی ہیں، جنھیں اپنی الیکٹرونک ڈیوائسسز سے اس قدر لگاؤ ہوچکا ہے کہ اب اس کے بغیر ایک پل کاٹنا مشکل لگتا ہے۔ ایسے میں جس کا حال پوچھیں وہ شب بیداری کا مارا ہوا معلوم ہوتا ہے۔ لوگوں کی چہروں کی رونقین اسمارٹ فونز کی نیلی روشنیوں میں کہیں گم ہو کر رہ گئی ہیں اور آہستہ ہستہ اس مرض میں افاقہ آنے کے بجائے اس کی علامات شدید تر ہوتی جا رہی ہیں۔ ان دنوں جو روایت ع

Ethically Unethical in Business - Syed Kazim (The Companion)

Bhatkallys Other

On one end, we have big brand names, big MNCs, big turn overs, big employment generators and what not. But on the other hand their greed has led them to earn profit by exploiting the resources of the country by bribing the governments. These companies are filthy rich but the greed to earn more and more money does not die. Ethics in business has only become a matter of discussion on in class rooms. The million dollar question is, when will it become a reality? Tata Motors’ Nano plant at Sanand