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Beneficial Speech

Bhatkallys Other

The believers are encouraged to be thoughtful and to speak only with discretion and forethought as to the likely effects of the words they utter. For those who do so, the following Hadith promises a great spiritual reward: "When a servant of God says that which is clear and correct (i.e. having given thought to whether it is beneficial or not), through (his words) he is distanced from the Fire by a distance greater than that what is between sunrise and sunset." [Riyad As-Saleheen] When quoti

Clarify Expectations

Bhatkallys Other

Clarifying expectations is to create shared vision and agreement about what is to be done up front. This is one of those behaviours that people rarely pay enough attention to. It is the behaviour of prevention because if you focus on this one up front, you will avoid heartaches and headaches later on. Clarifying expectations can be challenging. We each bring our own meaning to language and experience. Meaning is not in things; it's not even necessarily in words. Meaning is in people. So even if

State of Serenity

Bhatkallys Other

Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage) - Chapter 22: Verse 34 (partial) "Herald (the good news) to those who humble themselves." Humility is one of the precursors of the state of serenity; it is the inception of safety from reversal and hesitation. It consists of three levels: The first level is having virtuousness overcome desire, willpower staving off carelessness and the quest winning over coziness. The second level consists in not having any cause diminish one's willpower, any incident alienat

Expert Advice: How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Really Need?

Bhatkallys Other

Lack of sleep has led me to make many bad decisions: I've fumbled at work, eaten an extra meal, forgotten important events and on more than one occassion, worked through a terrible headache. I never attributed these mistakes to lack of sleep until recently when I rediscovered its true value. Sleep makes people happy, productive and more energetic. But the lack of it can contribute to a string of health problems: weight-loss, high blood pressure, lower immunity and low productivity. Accordi

رحمۃ للعالمین ﷺ کی سیرت رب العالمین کی زبانی

Bhatkallys Other

از: محمد نجیب قاسمی سنبھلی ( قرآن کریم اللہ تعالیٰ کا وہ عظیم الشان کلام ہے جو انسانوں کی ہدایت کے لئے خالق کائنات نے اپنے آخری رسول حضور اکرمﷺ پر نازل فرمایا۔ قرآن کریم اللہ تعالیٰ کی وہ عظیم کتاب ہے جس کی حفاظت اللہ تعالیٰ نے خود اپنے ذمہ لی ہے جیساکہ اللہ تعالیٰ کا فیصلہ قرآن کریم میں موجود ہے: اِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّکْرَ وَاِنَّا لَہٗ لَحَافِظُوْنَ (سورۃ الحجر آیت ۹) یہ ذکر (یعنی قرآن) ہم نے ہی اتارا ہے، اور ہم ہی اس کی حفاظت کرنے والے ہیں۔ قرآن کریم کی سب سے پہل

Living the Qur'an - Finest Abode

Bhatkallys Other

Al-Furqan (The Criterion) - Chapter 25: Verses 75, 76 "These will be rewarded for all their patient endurance [in life” with a high station in heaven, and will be met there with a greeting of welcome and peace, and there they shall abide; how goodly an abode and how high a station." The Arabic text uses the term al-ghurfah, which is translated here as ‘a high station in heaven’. The term may be taken to mean in this context either heaven, or a special place in heaven. Linguistically speak

10 Foods to Eat Regularly For Better Health That Are Widely Available

Bhatkallys Other

Some foods are better than others for providing a superior source of antioxidants and essential nutrients. These "superfoods" are whole foods that pack a lot of punch for theirweight as far as nutrition goes. Here are ten superfoods that are readily available for most of the year, and which should be incorporated into your diet on a daily or weekly basis. Try to eat as many of them organic and unprocessed as possible.   Green Leafy vegetablesGreen leafy vegetables are so readily a

Understanding the Prophet's Life - Just in Love

Bhatkallys Other

Understanding the Prophet's Life  Just in Love Our love for the Prophet should encourage us toward love for humanity, kindness, and forgiveness. It should never be an excuse to foment hatred, which can lead to violence against other people. Whether we are living as a minority community or make up the majority in any country, Muslims must never fall into the deadly habit of collective blame for crimes. In specific, we must never generalize and harm our neighbours who may share the faith of t

(سرزمینِ بھٹکل سے اُمید کی ایک کرن (مضمون : مولانااسرارالحق قاسمی

Bhatkallys Other

خدمت خلق کے شعبہ میں زائد از چاردہائیوں پرمحیط اپنی عملی زندگی کے دوران ملک و ملت کے ایک ادنیٰ خدمت گار اور سماجی کارکن کی حیثیت سے مجھے ملک کے طول و عرض میں جانے کا موقع ملاہے۔گذشتہ صدی میں ستر کی دہائی کے اوائل سے لے کر اب تک ملک کے مختلف حصوں میں کشمیر سے کنیاکماری تک اور گجرات سے آسام تک تقریباً ایک لاکھ تیس ہزارشہروں،قصبوں اور گاؤں میں جاجاکر ملت اور ملت کے افراد کو قریب سے دیکھا ہے اوران کے حالات سے آگاہی حاصل کی ہے۔قدرتی آفات اور فرقہ وارانہ فسادات کے دوران یا ان المیوں کے فوراً بعد جس مق

Indian Republic Day - Its History and Origin

Bhatkallys Other

Indian Republic Day is an event that commemorates the date, 26 January 1950 on which the “Constitution of India” came to existence by replacing Government of India Act 1935. This day is very significant in Indian history as on this day India became republic from the ‘British Dominion’. Every year this day is celebrated with much enthusiasm throughout India. A massive parade is organized to showcase the growth of Indian from every aspect. Origin Though India had got its freedom from the han

قرآن کریم اور ہم

Bhatkallys Other

از:محمد نجیب قاسمی سنبھلی ( قرآن کیا ہے؟ قرآن کریم اللہ تعالیٰ کا پاک کلام ہے جو اللہ تعالیٰ نے قیامت تک آنے والے انس وجن کی رہنمائی کے لئے آخری نبی حضور اکرم ﷺ پر وحی کے ذریعہ نازل فرمایا، قرآن کریم اللہ تعالیٰ کی صفت ہے، مخلوق نہیں۔ اور وہ لوح محفوظ میں ہمیشہ سے ہے۔ اللہ تعالیٰ کے جو فیصلے ملأ اعلیٰ یعنی آسمانوں کے اوپر تحریرہیں اور وہ کسی بھی تبدیلی سے محفوظ ہونے کے ساتھ شیاطین کے شر سے بھی محفوظ ہیں، اس لئے اس کو لوح محفوظ کہا جاتا ہے۔ اس کی شکل وصورت وحجم کیا ہے؟ ہم نہ

پام آئل کے درخت ۔۔۔ تحریر : اطہر ہاشمی

Bhatkallys Other

’ائمہ‘ امام کی جمع ہے اور اس کے الف پر مد یعنی آئمہ نہیں ہے، لیکن بیشتر اخبارات میں آئمہ ہی چھپ رہا ہے، حتیٰ کہ ائمہ مساجد کی تنظیم کی طرف سے موصول ہونے والی پریس ریلیز میں بھی یہ آئمہ ہی ہوتا ہے۔ ایک اخبار میں بڑی سی سرخی ہے ’’جائیداد ضبطگی کا حکم‘‘۔ یہاں صرف ’ضبطی‘ سے کام چل جاتا، ضبطگی کی ترکیب صحیح نہیں ہے۔ شعر ہے: ہم ایسی کُل کتابیں قابلِ ضبطی سمجھتے ہیں کہ جن کو پڑھ کے بچے باپ کو خبطی سمجھتے ہیں اب تو شاید نصاب میں ایسی کتاب مشکل سے ملے جس کو ضبط نہ کیا جائے، مگر قوم کے صبر و ضبط کو سلا

How to Transfer PF Online

Bhatkallys Other

With more and more government functions going online, we feel it is important for our readers to know how to use the different tools that are now available. After all, it is now possible to file an RTI, apply for a passport, apply for a PAN card or download a copy of your Aadhaar card, all from the comfort of your own home. Nearly everyone who's employed has also probably quit a job at some point. Changing jobs involves enough paperwork to make your head spin. One of the most irksome bits of

Healthy Diets in Children Lead to Higher IQ

Bhatkallys Other

Children fed healthy diets in early age may have a slightly higher IQ, while those on heavier junk fooddiets may have a slightly reduced IQ, according to new research from the University of Adelaide. The study -- led by University of Adelaide Publichealth researcher Dr Lisa Smithers -- looked at the link between the eating habits of children at six months, 15 months and two years, and their IQ at eight years of age. The study of more than 7,000 children compared a range of dietary patterns

The Wisdom of Jesus (PBUH)

Bhatkallys Other

The following sayings of Jesus (peace be upon him) from traditional Arabic sources are excerpted from Walk on Water, a forthcoming book by Hamza Yusuf:  According to Ahmad, Jesus peace be upon him was known to have said, "Virtuous action does not consist in doing good to someone who has done good to you -that is merely returning a favor. Virtuous action consists in doing good to those who have wronged you." (Ahmad)  According to Malik  b. Anas, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "Do not speak m

Be the change that you want to see

Bhatkallys Other

By Shafaat Shahbandari: [caption id="attachment_72267" align="alignleft" width="154"] Shafaat Shabandri[/caption] Great Scientist Albert Einstein once said: “education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." Adding a line to that I would say it is also the nurturing of the heart to care for your surroundings. Education can be divided into two parts, one that provides skills to help make a living and the other that transforms a person into a human being.

مجلس اصلاح و تنظیم صد سالہ تاریخ کے آئینہ میں ایک احساس ایک اور ایک جائزہ

Bhatkallys Other

از: عبدالرقیب ندوی ابن خواجہ معین الدین ایم جے مرحوم اُڑائے کچھ ورق لالہ نے کچھ سنبل نے کچھ گل نے چمن میں ہر طرف بکھری ہو ئی ہے داستان اُن کی زندہ قوم کی علامت یہ ہے کہ وہ اپنے محسنین کی خدمات کو یاد کر تی ہے اور قوم کے مستقبل کو سنوارنے کیلئےان بھولی بسری ماضی کی خوشگوار اور سنہری یادوں کو مشعل راہ بناکر  نئی منزلیں اور نئی راہیں تلاش کرتی ہے ، گردش ایام کہیں پر کسی  تاریخی واقعہ کو انقلاب زمانہ کا نام دے کر خوشیوں کے پھول بکھیرتا ہے تو یہی انقلاب  کسی اور خطہ میں ظلم و بربریت کی داستانیں رق

Foods That Make You Feel Good

Bhatkallys Other

Here are ten foods that make you feel good: Honey: Honey contains kaempferol and quercetin, which helps to prevent depression by reducing inflammation in the brain. It can be considered as a sweet natural defense which helps you feel better. Honey also helps in boosting energy production in the brain. Cherries: They can actually work like painkillers and make you feel relaxed. They're low in calories and high on fibre. Cherries are a great source of melatonin a hormone that helps you sleep