
334 articles

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Taking Stock of our “Thinking” Abilities

Bhatkallys Other

Allah, when explaining the message revealed in Quran, repeatedly challenges mankind to “think” and “think deeply”. One wonders how this is different from the “regular thinking” that we engage in on a day to day basis. Our thinking processes enable us to reach conclusions, make decisions, and solve problems constantly. However, a detailed study of the Quran reveals that these terms allude to a more rigorous form of thinking, which in today’s terms can be equated to “critical thinking”. The dif

A traditional diet can fight obesity

Bhatkallys Other

Obesity is a pressing health problem plaguing Indians and can be tackled properly by reverting to a traditional diet comprising pulses, coarse grains and vegetables, experts said Saturday. "We should go back to a traditional diet and this can be ensured by giving up junk food items and making fresh vegetables and fruits more affordable for the general population," nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee said at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit here. Mukherjee said it was up to parents to ensure

How to Plant Roses

Bhatkallys Other

When you buy a rose plant it can have short, leafless canes and, very often, bare roots. Seeing a plant like this can leave you wondering how do you plant roses. Roses are not nearly as fragile as they might appear and you could probably just plant it in a hole and have success. But a little extra effort when planting roses will pay off with healthier plants and more blooms. Here are some tips for how to plant roses. Where to Plant Roses Choose a site with full sun to partial shade. Six hou

The power of istaghfar - 'ASTAGHFIRULLAH' (I seek forgiveness of Allah)

Bhatkallys Other

January 18: People often forget the importance of the simple yet powerful dua (supplication) – Istighfar i.e., saying “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness of Allah). Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) recited this at least 100 times a day. Let us see the benefits and virtues of reciting this simple beautiful supplication insha Allah. Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the gateway of relief and happiness. Whenever you are in distress start reciting it and Insha Allah it will take you o

Watching Television Makes Children Unhealthier

Bhatkallys Other

An increasing number of parents today are using the television as an 'electronic babysitter', according to evidence. Some parents tell their children that watching too much TV will make their eyes go square and, although this is not true, evidence is emerging that watching too much TV as a child could mean they end up with a larger waistline. A new study, featured in BioMed Central's open access journal International Journal of Behavioral nutrition and Physical Activity, has discovered that c

مظفرنگرمیں موت پرسیفئی میں جشن منارہے ہیں ملائم اینڈپارٹی نوائے بصیرت؛غفران ساجدقاسمی

Bhatkallys Other

کیادنیاسے انسانیت ختم ہوچکی ہے؟ زمین پرانسان تونظرآتے ہیں لیکن انسانیت نظرنہیں آتی ہے،اوراگراس کاعینی مشاہدہ کرناہوتویوپی کی سیرکرآئیں،یقیناآپ کووہاں انسان تو نظرآجائیں گے لیکن شایدانسانیت نام کی کوئی شئی نظرنہ آئے۔دنیامیں انسان اس قدرانسانیت اورمروت سے عاری ہوجائے گاشایدیہ خودانسان نے بھی کبھی نہیں سوچاہوگالیکن یہ ایک زمینی حقیقت ہے،جسے آپ جھٹلانہیں سکتے۔اس وقت ملک کابچہ بچہ اس حقیقت سے واقف ہے کہ مظفرنگرمیں چارمہینہ قبل ہوئے خونی فسادات میں جان بچاکربھاگنے والے مظلوم وبے بس فسادزدگان عارضی کیم

2013ء میں عالم اسلام کا مایوس کن سفر

Bhatkallys Other

از: شمس تبریز قاسمی 2013ء کا سفر تمام ہو چکاہے ۔2014ء کے شب و روز ہم پر سایہ فگن ہیں۔دنیا کے ہر خطے میں لوگوں نے اس سال نو کا ہوائی فائرنگ کے ذریعے استقبال کیا ہے۔سال گذشتہ کی تلخ یادوں کو فراموش کرکے نئے جذبے ،نئے امنگ ،نئے جوش و لولہ کے ساتھ نئے سال کو بہتر بنانے کے لئے کتاب زندگی کے ایک نئے باب کا آغاز کر دیا ہے۔عالم اسلام کے اہم ملک دبئی کو سال نو کا جشن منانے کے لئے نمبر ون کا خطاب بھی مل گیاہے۔نئے سال کا سفر شروع کرنے کے ساتھ پرانے سال کا جائزہ لینا ضروری ہے،ماضی کے حالات و واقعات کو پیش

10 things to know about Mumbai airport's swanky new terminal - T2

Bhatkallys Other

Mumbai:  Seven years after the first decision was taken to rebuild Mumbai's dingy and congested Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, the wait is finally over. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will tomorrow inaugurate the state-of-the-art Terminal 2 or T2. HERE ARE 10 FACTS ABOUT THE NEW TERMINAL: The new terminal built by the GVK-led consortium has been built at a cost of over 12,500 crores. The T2 covers an area of over 1400 acres. Granite that can cover 27 football fields, and over 1

Obesity ballooning in developing world: report

Bhatkallys Other

The number of obese and overweight people in the developing world nearly quadrupled to almost a billion between 1980 and 2008, a think-tank report said Friday. There are now far more obese or overweight adults in the developing world than in richer countries, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) said. The London-based institute said more than a third of all adults around the world -- 1.46 billion people -- were obese or overweight. Between 1980 and 2008, the numbers of people affect

Five things to know while buying a car

Bhatkallys Other

Auto manufacturers are promising fabulous discounts for those planning to make a purchase. Go through these pointers before you avail of sops New year, old model  Car companies usually offer big discounts in December to clear their inventories before they hike prices and launch new models in January. If you buy now, your vehicle will bear the registration date of December 2013, and in a few days, it will be last year's model. This should not matter if you are planning to use the car for at

Eat Less and Live Healthier and Longer?

Bhatkallys Other

Miqdaam bin Ma'dee Kariba said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) say: "The son of Aadam does not fill a container worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Aadam to take enough morsels of food to keep his back straight (keep him able-bodied). And if it is necessary, then a third for his food, a third for his drink, and a third for his breath". And the following comment by the Scholar Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee:   This hadeeth [constitutes] a comp

Value based higher Education

Bhatkallys Other

Education is a unique quality of mankind. It is education that makes human being to act their part in this world successfully. Education is a very important condition for the development of the ‘whole man’ and an important weapon for accelerating the well-being and prosperity of the world in all direction. Education is a lifelong process which continues from womb to tomb. Education has many different meanings and definitions. The parents, the teachers, the farmers, house wives,  administers, mer

Apples Are Delicious, Nutritious and Highly Beneficial For Health

Bhatkallys Other

Apples have a huge number of health benefits, and many of their numerous life-enhancing nutrients are only starting to be identified by scientists. Some of their most important roles are in digestionand detoxification, and regularly eating apples is also highly beneficial for the heart and circulation. Eating an apple aids detoxification by helping you feel full sooner and for longer, and can alleviate even chronic constipation, which is a widespread problem then is often caused by poor nutri

Too much tea causes unusual bone disease

Bhatkallys Other

While a sizzling cup of tea is refreshing and can help to relax, experts are warning that excessive tea is harmful to health, affects the body systems can even cause unusual bone disease, and should be avoided. Tea contains toxic elements like tanine and caffeine which are detrimental to health. Tanine adversely affects the digestive process because it affects the secretion of juices. It also affects the water content in the body, resulting in a brittle and rough skin. Caffeine on the othe

Big breakthrough in cure for blindness

Bhatkallys Other

LONDON: In a major breakthrough, an inkjet printer in Britain can print eye cells which can be used to cure human blindness. For the first time ever, researchers from UK have used inkjet printing technology to successfully print two types of cells from the retina of adult rats - ganglion cells and glial cells. The breakthrough could lead to the production of artificial tissue grafts made from the variety of cells found in the human retina and may aid in the search to cure blindness.

How tech will change the future of work

Bhatkallys Other

I decided to break free," recalls a Bangalore-based techie about the decision he took two years ago to quit the fourth MNC he worked for, writing codes. Before that, for some 20 years, he had worked with some of the world's best IT giants in what he calls the "hotspots" of the world — San Francisco, London, Dubai, Sydney. Then came the epiphany. The 43-year-old says he didn't want to stay "hitched" to any single company. "That was also a moment of hubris, in hindsight," he says. Soon afte

Tips for efficient and real-time project management

Bhatkallys Other

A project manager is only considered to be successful when his project is monitored systematically and in real time by the team resources/members. According to experts, without real-time monitoring, a project might fail to reach its finishing line. This monitoring is often done manually as well as through the help of proprietary software in an organisation. The key to a successful project management is undoubtedly to drive the workforce or the resources involved in the project, well. Even

6 Tough Interview Questions Revealed by Employers

Bhatkallys Other

When you’re competing against smart, qualified applicants – dazzling your future employer with a stellar interview performance is what’s going to put you over the top! Employers use the interview as an opportunity to weed out the candidates who just don’t mesh well in terms of personality, culture and values. And they are going to toss some difficult questions your way to see if you’re the person they want to hire. We spoke with a bunch of hiring managers and asked them to reveal their