Articles by Bhatkallys

323 articles

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Cancer Simplified: Part 4 - The Immune System's In-Built Anti-Cancer Mechanism

Bhatkallys Other

Continuing from Part 3, wherein we explained that every body develops cancer cells and that a healthy immune system efficiently removes those cells: In fact, microscopic tumours may develop in many people but then disappear without even being detected at all because the immune system managed to dispose of them. Thus, individual cancer cells may be eliminated straight away or may develop into microscopic tumours which are eventually eliminated but are never significant enough to be detected or im

Keep an eye on your eyes, warn glaucoma specialists

Bhatkallys Other

Those above 40 or with a family history of the silent disease that can cause blindness should get regular check-ups, advise opthalmologists Those seemingly harmless eye-drops, readily available over the counter and used for common conditions such as conjunctivitis can cause glaucoma — a fact that has been documented in multiple studies over the years but lack of awareness has ensured that the use of such medication continues. Glaucoma can cause blindness and is an irreversible condition. W

How to Productively Excel in Deen & Donia [Interview with Dr. Mohamed Abutaleb]

Bhatkallys Other

Many times, when we hear success stories of inspiring individuals, we cannot help but compare ourselves to them. How did they have the time to do that? What is their secret? How did they stay motivated?Wondering about that could be a good thing. If your intention while doing that is to evaluate yourself and see how to improve and be further motivated, then give yourself a pat on the back. Allah encourages us to compete in righteousness. “So race to [all that is] good. To Allah is your re

Cancer Simplified: Part 3 - Cancer Is Simply a Failure of the Immune System

Bhatkallys Other

Continuing from Part 1 and Part 2 we will now develop thecancer development process in a bit more depth. It is pretty much clear that there is no one particular cause forcancer, just as the cure for it does not lie in any one particular thing. Rather, there are many inter-related and inter-dependent factors which contribute to the development ofcancer and these factors vary from person to person. It may be the case that two people have the exact same type ofcancer yet the causative factors or

Be A Productive Forerunner! [Surah Al-A’raf Series- Part 5]

Bhatkallys Other

n Part 1 and 2, we began our journey into Surat Al A’raf to look for productivity lessons. In Part 3 and 4, we began the story of Adam  and Iblis. Now, in Part 5, we go further into the incident to pick up more productivity lessons .  Allah  said, “Descend from Paradise, for it is not for you to be arrogant therein. So get out; indeed, you are of the debased.”  [Quran: Chapter 7: Verse 13] Lesson: Take note of his pride…and ‘our’ pride! Iblis wanted to rise high, higher than another cr

Cancer Simplified: Part 2 - An Analogy for Different Perceptions About Treatment of Cancer

Bhatkallys Other

In Part 1, we outlined the process through which cancerdevelops in the body in a simplistic, generalized way and this will be expanded upon in future parts. We can emphasize the main lesson from the first part by giving a simple analogywhich demonstrates different approaches towards the diseaseof cancer. Most modern cars have computerized systems which alert the driver or owner of some underlying systemic problem. Usually this is communicated through the dashboard or on-board computer system.

What Drives People to Convert to Islam

Bhatkallys Other

The nature of religious faith is quite mysterious. As part of their religious faiths, people believe in a variety of deities. There are peoplewho have religious faith in the unseen supreme transcendental power and then there are others who believe in some humans as Gods, animals (e.g. monkeys), fire, idols made of stone, and the list goes on. A lot is associated with having a religious “faith”. Part of it has to do with beliefs passed on through generations. People’s identities therefor

Cancer Simplified: Part 1 - What Is Cancer and How Does It Develop?

Bhatkallys Other

The traditional view has been that cancer is a bump or alump which has developed in the body over a period of time due to cells going out of control. Upon this understanding, it is conventionally treated by cutting (surgery), poisoning(chemo) or burning (radiotherapy) or a combination thereof. In most cases, the cancer growth returns, usually more aggressively because these treatments act very harshly upon an already immunocompromised body which is what allowed the cancer to develop in the first

What are you focusing on? [Surat Al-A’raf Series – Part 4]

Bhatkallys Other

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we embarked on our journey into Surat Al-A’raf in search for productivity lessons to apply in our lives, thus strengthening our relationship with Allah  and His book. In Part 3, we reviewed the often-told story of Adam  and Iblees for the same purpose. Here, in Part 4, we’ll further explore the incident to learn more important lessons for our lives, in sha Allah. What do you do when somebody says “no” to your face? Your child, spouse, relative, emplo

PF May be Withdrawn Online from August, Says EPFO Official

Bhatkallys Other

New Delhi: Retirement fund body EPFO may launch by August an online facility to withdraw provident fund, a move that will reduce paperwork and provide hassle-free service to its subscribers. With the new facility, settling PF withdrawal claims would just take few hours. "We are hopeful of launching an online facility for PF withdrawal claims by August this year. We have already digitised our records and processes using Oracle operating system," a senior EPFO official told PTI. "EPFO wil

The Productivity Triangle

Bhatkallys Other

I would like to introduce you today to 3 powerful elements of productivity. These are the cornerstone of productivity without which one cannot be productive, and here they are: Knowledge Action Consistency I call this the Productivity Triangle, and if all 3 element meet in a person, he/she becomes truly productive. But if one element is missing that’s when unproductivity kicks in. So how do these 3 elements work? Knowledge وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا say, “O my Lord! advan

6 Easy Steps to Help You Stick to Your Diet

Bhatkallys Other

Every year, 'Sticking to your Diet' and 'Reducing Weight' are the most popular resolutions made by people across the world. But as the days move on, we either forget about them or get so overwhelmed that we just give up. And it is not just about resolutions. Many of us are on this constant battle against what we perceive as 'fatty but delicious food'. If only there was a magic wand that made everything easier. Made the extra flab tone up, regardless of what we ate. Alas, magic doesn't exist i

How to Let Go of Emotional Attachments

Bhatkallys Other

When people say you shouldn’t be attached to dunya, what does that make you think of? Money, fashion, property? Normally something tangible, something materialistic; but how often do you think of people?Do you ever stop to think that maybe you’re attached to this dunya because of the way you’re attached to people? Now this time, think about someone you love, someone you care about, someone you can’t really imagine your life without. What if that person stopped talking to you, what would become

‘Hookah more harmful than cigarettes’

Bhatkallys Other

LONDON: A first of its kind data released on Wednesday showed thatcompared with a single cigarette, one hookah session releases approximately 125 times the smoke, 25 times the tar, 2.5 times the nicotine and 10 times the carbon monoxide. The analysis, led by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, vindicates the World Health Organisation's fears that hookah smokers are inhaling a large load of toxicants. Waterpipe use is most prevalent in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, but it is a

Islamic Beliefs on Afterlife: Questions asked after a person’s death

Bhatkallys Other

According to Islamic beliefs, a person will be held accountable for all his deeds after the person moves on to the next life. According to hadith, the following are first of the many questions that a person will be asked. First Stage of questioning (In the Grave) A person’s first stage of reckoning will be in the grave where he will be asked three questions. Allah will help reinforce the person’s answers based on his deeds in this world. The three questions are the following:

Did the British Empire have any benefits for India?

Bhatkallys Other

How should we view the British Empire and its legacy for its former colonies? Was it one of the world's greatest modernising forces, as some historians claim, or was it only a destructive bane? The latter, says Congress politician Shashi Tharoor who maintains the only two benefits for India were cricket and the English language. Tharoor contested the contentions of co-panellist, British historian, author and MP Tristram Hunt, that the benefits included rule of law and an effective parliame

Empathic Parenting: Connect Emotionally with Your Child

Bhatkallys Other

In Islam, it is the right of every child to be treated with kindness, mercy and fairness. Although there are many parenting styles, many Muslims are not aware that showing emotional understanding towards children will help them become more cooperative, mature and confident people. In this article, I will be sharing the benefits of empathic parenting, as well as practical steps to connect emotionally with your children. What is empathic parenting? Empathic parenting is based on the desire t

Rewards, Benefits and Virtues of Quran and its Recitation

Bhatkallys Other

Quran is the book of guidance for a Muslims life. This article is a collection of Quranic verses, Ahadeeth (Prophet’s Saying) and sayings of the salaf (pious people that followed the prophet) on the majesty of Quran, the great virtues for reading and following it. 1. Quran on Quran To begin with, there are many verses in Quran itself that underscore the majesty of Allah’s verses and the Quran itself – Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): Say: ‘If the mankind and the jinn were togeth