Technology news

Diaspora launched as Facebook rival

WASHINGTON - Four US students who launched a new social networking site called "Diaspora" are stressing its ease of use and stricter privacy policy, in a bid to make waves in a field dominated by Facebook.The version available to software developer since Wednesday is giving outsiders an opportunity

'Wireless recharge of mobiles from 2012'

London: Cell phone users may soon be able to recharge their devices wirelessly.Japanese technology company Fujitsu has developed a system capable of simultaneously charging multiple portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, digital cameras and laptop computers without the need for cable con

Touchscreen chipmakers tap tablet boom

The chipmakers behind the touchpads that are killing off the laptop mouse and the keys on a mobile phone are battling for supremacy in the latest blockbuster gadget-the tablet PC.Boosted by Apple's iPad, sales of tablet, or slate, touchscreen units will jump to more than 136 million in 2014 from jus

'US internet users spend more time on Facebook than Google'

Boston - American internet users are spending more time on social networking site Facebook than searching on Google, a market research company said in a report.US web surfers spent a total of 41.1 million minutes on Facebook in August, about 9.9 per cent of their web-surfing minutes for the month, a

Google replaces logo with dancing doodle

WASHINGTON - Google replaced the celebrated logo on its home page on Tuesday with a mysterious collection of colorful dancing balls.Pointing a mouse at the blue, green, red and yellow balls makes them change shape and fly around the screen. The balls then regroup to form the Google logo, or "doodle"

'Bhatkal is home to smart traders, not terrorists'

BHATKAL - Proud residents upset with police and media for defaming quiet coastal town that was earlier known for enterprising businessmen.Residents of Bhatkal, a port town in Uttar Kannada district of Karnataka, are a hassled lot. Who wouldn't if their town figured in the news and police came knocki

Terror in my town!

BHATKAL - A quaint little town of palm-fringed beaches, where a meal without fish is unheard of. A God-blessed stretch of earth, where rains never stop when they pour. A sun-kissed country, whose days are as bright as gold. A tiny maze of alleys and by-lanes where almost every person knows the other

Bhatkal Navayath house relocated in Manipal

OF late we are witnessing the wiping of Bhatkal's traditional siens (streets). One by one, the centuries-old magnificent houses of the Navayaths are being pulled down to accommodate matchbox structures. With this invaluable pieces of art and a leisurely lifestyle redolent of the past are also being

A peep into chequered history of Bhatkal

There is every reason to believe that by virtue of its strategic location Bhatkal has for centuries been an apple of discord. It seems as though many rulers - foreigners not barring - vied with one another to gain control over this town by hook or crook. Paradoxical though it may seem, very little i

Samosa: The inevitable Ramadan snack

It is perhaps the next most wanted food item after dates during 'Iftar'. An eatable, without which many feel their iftar is 'incomplete'. The 'Samosa', sold in the canteen and the streets, in grocery stores and also made at homes, which is liked, savoured and relished by anyone and everyone, is a

Samsung unveils Galaxy to challenge Apple's iPad

LONDON Sep 4,2010 (IANS)- Apple faces a heavy blow to its iPad after Samsung unveiled its own device, rumoured to have half its price. The Samsung Galaxy Tab(let) is smaller than the iPad, but it matches the Apple device in most other functions. Initial details hint at some aspects of the Samsung

Remembering high school dramas

There was time when all the people of Bhatkal - young and old alike - looked forward to local school and college annual days with great expectations. Dramas formed the brightest band of the spectrum of the variety entertainments. That was the time when the idiot boxes had not made forays into every

Navayath heritage threatened

Creeping urbanisation and development may lead to the total wiping of Bhatkal's traditional siens (streets) in the next 25 years. Urbanisation is slowly gnawing at this priceless architectural heritage of Navayath. One by one, the centuries-old magnificent houses of the Navayaths are being pulled d

3 پنچاد آئیکو سرکی۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ کابھٹکل دہشت گردی چو اڈہ اشے؟۔ ۔

گاویں حالات انی امچے مسائل اوپر اصلاحی نقطہ نظرین امچے مشہور و معروف قلمکار ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب صاحبانچو ہو مضمون بھٹکلیس ڈاٹ کام چے ''پنچاد ائیکو سرکی '' کالم اوپر پیش خدمت اشے ، اپلے احساسات و تاثرات خال برؤنچے ۔ ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب کابھٹکل دہشت گردی چو اڈہ اشے؟ تیسری قسط ریاض بھٹکل

2 پنچاد آئیکو سرکی۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ کابھٹکل دہشت گردی چو اڈہ اشے؟۔ ۔

گاویں حالات انی امچے مسائل اوپر اصلاحی نقطہ نظرین امچے مشہور و معروف قلمکار ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب صاحبانچو ہو مضمون بھٹکلیس ڈاٹ کام چے ''پنچاد ائیکو سرکی '' کالم اوپر پیش خدمت اشے ، اپلے احساسات و تاثرات خال برؤنچے ۔ ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب کابھٹکل دہشت گردی چو اڈہ اشے؟ دوسری قسط بیرونی ہاتھ

1 پنچاد آئیکو سرکی۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ کابھٹکل دہشت گردی چو اڈہ اشے؟۔ ۔

گاویں حالات انی امچے مسائل اوپر اصلاحی نقطہ نظرین امچے مشہور و معروف قلمکار ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب صاحبانچو ہو مضمون بھٹکلیس ڈاٹ کام چے ''پنچاد ائیکو سرکی '' کالم اوپر پیش خدمت اشے ، اپلے احساسات و تاثرات خال برؤنچے ۔ ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب کابھٹکل دہشت گردی چو اڈہ اشے؟ پہلی قسط ریاست کرناٹک

1-پنچاد ائیکو سرکی . . . . امچو معاشرہ انی بڑھتی برائیو

از : ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب گاویں حالات انی امچے مسائل اوپر اصلاحی نقطہ نظرین امچے مشہور و معروف قلمکار ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب صاحبانچو ہو مضمون بھٹکلیس ڈاٹ کام چے ''پنچاد ائیکو سرکی '' کالم اوپر پیش خدمت اشے ، اپلے احساسات و تاثرات خال دیلّے ای میل ایڈریس ور فیٹؤنچے ۔ امچو معاشرہ انی بڑھتی برائیو

2- پنچاد ائیکو سرکی . . . . وقتاچی قدر انی پابندی

از : ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب گاویں حالات انی امچے مسائل اوپر اصلاحی نقطہ نظرین امچے مشہور و معروف قلمکار ڈاکٹر محمد حنیف شباب صاحبانچو ہو مضمون بھٹکلیس ڈاٹ کام چے ''پنچاد ائیکو سرکی '' کالم اوپر پیش خدمت اشے ، اپلے احساسات و تاثرات خال دیلّے ای میل ایڈریس ور فیٹؤنچے ۔ وقتا چی قدر انی پابندی دو