Step by Step revelation of the Qur'an‏


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12:00AM Fri 12 Dec, 2014

Al-Isra (The Night Journey) - Chapter 17: Verse 106

"We have divided the Quran into parts so that you may recite it to people with deliberation. We have indeed bestowed it from on high step by step." The Quran was revealed in order to educate a community and establish for it a system and code of life. This community would then carry it to all the corners of the earth in order to educate humanity on the basis of this perfect system. Hence the Quran was revealed one part at a time, according to the practical needs of that community and the circumstances attending its first formative period. Education and the moulding of a nation and a community require time as well as practical experience. Thus the Quran was not revealed as a theoretical doctrine or an abstract vision to be used for academic study and polemical argument. It was revealed part by part instead so that it could be implemented gradually during this formative period. This is indeed the reason for its gradual revelation, one part or passage at a time, not a whole scripture or code given at the outset. The first generation of believers received it in this light. They approached it as directives to be implemented in practice, be they prohibitions, recommendations or obligations. They never approached it as something for moral or intellectual debate like poetry and literature, or for amusement like legends and stories.  They allowed it to influence their daily lives to the full, bringing their feelings, perceptions and behaviour in line with it, and moulding their way of life in accordance with its teachings. They discarded whatever values, norms and practices were in conflict with it. Compiled From: "In The Shade of The Quran" - Sayyid Qutb, Vol. 11, p. 224   Source: Friday Nasiha