Meet Noorul Hasan, the youngest IPS Officer

Hyderabad: The youngest IPS Officer, Noorul Hasan took charge as the ACP of Dharamabad Division of Nanded District in Maharashtra State.
The 22-year-old Noorul Hasan hails from Peelibheet District of UP. He studied in a Govt. school up to 8th standard. After passing 10th class, he went to Raibareili along with his father and studied Intermediate through Hindi Medium. Later, he joined Aligarh Muslim University in 2009 for B.Tech. He improved his proficiency in English language during his studies at AMU. He established a forum along with his 10 friends who used to exchange views on national and international affairs. They also used to conduct mock interviews.
He served at Siemens Company for 14 months and one year at Atomic Energy Commission.
In 2013, he started preparations for UPSC Civil Service Exam (CSE). He secured 625th rank in UPSC CSE-2014.
Being a student of Hindi medium, he improved his English later and cracked CSE. He is the role model for the youngsters.
His message to Youth and Civil Service Aspirants-
- Dream as big as possible but always prepare yourself for Plan B. Even after plan B, Plan C must be there.
- Decide your destination as early as possible and start working towards it.
- In my opinion Success=Summation of each day work carried out for years.
- Introspect your weakness. Divide your target in the years, months, weeks and days and move ahead a little everyday. Achieve something every day.
- You need to have passion to achieve your goal.
- There is no discrimination.
- Get best possible guidance from your seniors. It is always better to learn from the experience of others.
- Never get demoralize from failures.
- Civil service exam is the test for patience and self confidence. So fail but fail better every time. In the end you’ll get success.