Five Islamic Principles to Have a Successful Life


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04:53PM Wed 1 Mar, 2017
By -  Maham Rizwan There are many principles in Islam that you should follow in order to have a life full of happiness and success. Following the Quran and Sunah, here I have made a rundown of those five Islamic principles that you must adopt and have success in the world and there here after: Stay patient with everything in life You must confront every situation with patience and hope. You will find written in the Holy Quran: "With every hardship, there is ease, with every hardship there is ease." (94:5-6) This verse is the guarantee that Allah has given. Every hardship or difficult time is followed by the time of peace so you must stay patient in your difficult times and stay hopeful about the future that Allah holds for you. This is one step towards the successful life you want to live as we all know the fact that sweet things come to those who are patient. Turn your enemies into friends Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was over and over faced the practices of enmity by people who did not follow Islam. Around then the Holy Quran ordered the arrival of useful for shrewdness. Quran: "You will see your direct enemy has become your closest friend." (41:34) This verse clearly tells you about the fact that you should return someone’s bad favor by a good one for good deeds come more naturally to the heart of a human than its opposite. So do good even to those who do bad to you, and that is how you should change all the minus figures into a plus. Look for positivity You must look for that one positive thing in every bad situation or a situation that is not in your favor. You must look for the things that are positive instead of negative stuff. When Battle of Badr took place, around 70 nonbelieving people were arrested as the detainees. Most of them were educated. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) declared, whoever from those would educate Muslim youngsters he would be liberated. This laid the basis for primary school in the historical backdrop of Islam in which the greater part of the understudies was Muslims, and the greater part of the educators was from the foe positions. This is how he (SAW) turned an entirely negative situation into a positive one. Peace is stronger than Violence If we look at the Sunah and the Quran, so you will find written at every corner that peace is way stronger than violence so you should always handle issues calmly. You should learn to forgive, and follow the simple key rule which says “forget and forgive.” At the point when Mecca was vanquished, the greater part of the rivals of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was taken to him. All of them were war offenders. Yet, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) didn't arrange them to be executed. In fact, he (SAW) stated: "Go, you are free." The consequence his good conduct was wonderful. All of them quickly acknowledged Islam. Go for a gradual change Looking at the books like Bukhari, you will know Islam is all about changing people gradually. The revelations of the Holy Quran came one after another, and that’s how it changed the minds of people without actually putting any burden. So you should also take things slow as haste makes waste. I hope these tips will help you in out in achieving all the success in life! About the Author: Maham Rizwan is a writer and copywriter who has worked with New York Times bestselling authors and personal development organizations such as Productive Muslim and Mindvalley. She regularly blogs at