Cancer Simplified: Part 3 - Cancer Is Simply a Failure of the Immune System

Continuing from Part 1 and Part 2 we will now develop thecancer development process in a bit more depth.
It is pretty much clear that there is no one particular cause forcancer, just as the cure for it does not lie in any one particular thing. Rather, there are many inter-related and inter-dependent factors which contribute to the development ofcancer and these factors vary from person to person. It may be the case that two people have the exact same type ofcancer yet the causative factors or facilitating processes behind it are different in both cases. This leads to the inevitable conclusion that the cure does not lie in any one particular thing and that for each person, the most efficientcure will depend on identifying and addressing the original factors.
The body is said to be made up of 30 trillion cells and each day, a healthy body will create 300 or so cancer cells provided it has not been exposed to 'carcinogens' (we will define this word more fully a little later). This is not an unusual process, it is normal and the body recognizes these cells and destroys them quickly. When multiple, cumulative stresses are put upon the body in the form of many carcinogens or carcinogenic processes, the body's ability is weakened or compromised and the cancer cells have an opportunity to live longer and multiply further. So long as body remains in that stressed, immunocompromised state and is unable to carry out the normal process of removing those cells, the out of control cells will have the opportunity to go through thehyperplasia and neoplastic phases that lead to cancer (seePart 1). This can take place over many long years and the appearance of a lump or bump is simply a signal that this has been happening for quite a while in the body.
When we use the word 'carcinogen' it is a reference to any stress factor that weakens the immune system. Technically it refers to chemicals or radiation that have cancer causing properties, but this definition is limited and wanting. In fact the meaning of word 'carcinogenic' is 'to start cancer'. Thus, a faulty, deficient diet, toxic emotions, viruses and many other affairs besides chemicals and radiation are also 'carcinogenic' because they can initiate or facilitate processes which lead to cancer.
From the above, we can come to our main point which is that: Cancer is in reality is a failure of the immune system. This is the actual disease, not the appearance of the lump or bump. The lump or bump is merely the attempt of a mass of cells trying to stay alive whilst starved of oxygen, and their primary requirement is glucose. It is a symptom of the disease, not the disease itself. The disease is that the immune system has been compromised to a degree where it cannot rapidly and efficiently process and remove the abnormal cells.
Having abnormal cells in the body is not the crucial factor in the development of cancer. The majority of people are subjected to carcinogens to some degree or another and the immune system recognises abnormal cells them and destroys them. Cancer is a threat primarily because of the inability of the body to eliminate the abnormal cells when they are few in number. This inability of the body is now believed to be a result of an imbalance or breakdown in the immune system response. It may produce too much or too little of a particular substance leading to an irregular or insufficient response which only has a diminished ability to eliminate the cancer cells.
Harnessing the body's immune system itself to combat cancer is recognised [and this is the foundational principle of 'non-conventional', 'alternative' treatments] and this is why we see classes of drugs known as immunotherapy drugs being researched and developed upon the same concept. However, one must not lose sight of the fact that these drugs are being developed upon the first perception of cancer we spoke of in Part 2 of this series. Meaning, that these drugs are used to destroy the lump and the bump which in and of itself is considered thedisease and its removal considered to be the cure. As for the wider issue of what is causing the cancer in any given patient and how to address those causative, precipitating, facilitating factors then this is ignored. In any case, the fact that the principle of harnessing the body's own immune system to attack cancer cells is recognized and is being used to develop classes of drugs is a validation of treatments which operate on the very principle of restoring the immune system to its normal operation so it can attack and eliminate the cancer. It is known in 'conventional' medicine that the existence of "spontaneous remission" [where cancer 'suddenly' disappears from a patient] is evidence of the body's inherent ability to heal itself without any intervention. How and why this occurs is not understood by them, but hormonal and immune mechanisms amongst others are suggested by them to be involved in the process. Yet studies of such cases on a large scale indicate that most patients undergoing spontaneous remission were actively doing something to facilitate healing. This healing ultimately came about through restoration of the immune response to its proper capacity allowing it to efficiently rid the body of its tumours in a short time. All of this reinforces what we mentioned at the beginning, that because of the very nature of this disease (immune system impairment) and its multifactorial nature, cure does not lie in any one particular thing.
The basic message from this article then is that you should understand that cancer is simply a failure of the immune system, its causes are multi-factorial and interrelated and that conventional medicine will only offer you the cut, burn, poison treatment paradigm of cancer. This may work for you if you happen to be one of those rare people with an extremely resilient body that can undergo sustained abuse and still come out on top. This treatment paradigm works against your entire body, not with it or in support of it, because its mechanism is to poison the entirebody after calculating what amount of poison will kill the tumour without killing the patient. Given that the central, key element all along in this disease is the efficiency and functionality of the immune system, this realization will put you in a better position to take measures that will give you a much better chance of cure and survival.
In the next part in this series we will take a basic look at the body's immune response, how it works and how it is mobilised.