Cancer Simplified: Part 2 - An Analogy for Different Perceptions About Treatment of Cancer

In Part 1, we outlined the process through which cancerdevelops in the body in a simplistic, generalized way and this will be expanded upon in future parts. We can emphasize the main lesson from the first part by giving a simple analogywhich demonstrates different approaches towards the diseaseof cancer.
Most modern cars have computerized systems which alert the driver or owner of some underlying systemic problem. Usually this is communicated through the dashboard or on-board computer system. If the oil is running low for example,a flashing red light may appear. This is a warning sign that the engine is not running efficiently and unless the problem is fixed, greater harm will result and the vehicle may be severely damaged in the long term if the situation is left unaddressed. From here there are two perceptions. The first perception is that the flashing light is the primary or actual problem. With this perception, the solution would be to stop the light (by smashing it with a hammer for example) or removing it (cutting it out with an electric saw) or burning it (with a blow torch). The second perception is that the light is a signal towards something else, and that the light will not stop doing what it is doing until the underlying problem is addressed as a matter of urgency.
Though the analogy is not a perfect match from every angle, it is useful in a broad sense for our purpose. It illustrates the issue well with respect to cancer. The tumour which develops (through the series of steps outlined in part one) is really a signal which is saying that there is something fundamentally wrong, the body has lost its ability to identify and eliminate irregular cells (this is the actual disease). It is compromised, or more specifically immunocompromised. Thus, the lump and bump is a flashing red light and indicates that something has been wrong in the body for a while. Getting rid of the lump itself (though desirable and part of the cure) is not going to solve the real problem as the body will still remain in the same condition which allowed the lump to appear in the first place. Just like in the car analogy, removing the flashing light won't solve the problem that gave rise to it. This is why cancer always comes back in the vast majority of people who are treated on the basis of that limited, narrow-minded, first perception. The lump and bump was 'treated' [annihilated through chemical warfare or effectively burned with a 'blow-torch'] with the body as a mere bystander inflicted with 'collateral damage'. The body remains unable to prevent any remaining or newly-developing out of control cells from turning into more lumps and bumps. This time the bumps and lumps come back with greater ease as the body has been hammered and put throught traumatic stress with those harsh treatments. Hence, secondary tumours appear in other parts of the body and grow aggressively. This occurs routinely with cancer patients and often, within months sometimes, less than a year or perhaps a little longer, many cancer patients die as a result of the treatment and its effects, rather than the cancer itself.
So as not to be misunderstood, because the body is a very complex system, it can become compromised in many different ways which is why cancers appear in many different forms and in many different areas of the body. So when we are speaking of cancer, we are speaking in a very broad sense, we are speaking about broad principles that apply generally to most instances of the disease. However, there are situations where for example [for whatever reason] the tumour has become so large that it poses a great danger upon a nearby organ. Hence, surgery would be necessary to prevent an immediate life-threatening situation. This is a unique situation. Or it may be a very rare type of cancer and require an unusual and specialized approach. It is important to understand that we are speaking generally and not about any specific cases or types of cancer. When we understand general principles about this disease and its true nature, it will make us better equipped in making educated, well-informed, optimal choices about the course of treatment.
Coming back to our analogy with the car. Because of the way things just are and because of the way medicine has progressed in developed countries and because of financial and political reasons [Pharma-medicine is big business], the choices available to people in the treatment of cancer through conventional means are based on the first perception above: That the annoying flashing light is the actual cancer. In other words, the lump and bump is the culprit, not the underlying unique combination of factors [for each person] that were behind its appearance. Thus, the war is on the lump and bump [cut, poison, burn] and not on the factors that gave rise to it, and the body is just a bystander. It is further asserted that nothing else can cure this disease and nothing else is evidence based except this approach of cut, burn and poison.
For smart, thinking people, its a no-brainer, and you do not need degrees, doctorates or a formal education to understand this: Addressing the true underlying cancer-causing factors with a view to dramatically reducingdisease occurrence or eliminating it outright is a profit-killer. It does not make sense for the powerful pharmaceutical companies who are recycling WWI mustard-gas and its derivatives as chemotherapy drugs to treat only the bumps and lumps. Long term cures are undesirable. A constant supply of cancer patients are required in order for drug companies to generate profits for their shareholders.
So what is the point from this discussion so far? Basically, there is much more to cancer than the narrow-minded, deficient cut, poison, burn paradigm. Anyone making the claim that there is no 'cure' besides cutting, burning and poisoning the body is ignorant of the reality of medicine. [That is not to say that cutting, burning and poisoning can never be useful ever. Yes, in some limited cases, these processes may be utilised. However, this is only in a very specialised, targeted way that is not available to the general public, only in advanced private clinics for the very wealthy]. In order to ensure chances of survival and a genuine cure for the disease a holistic approach has to be taken that addresses the underlying precipitating and facilitating factors for the cancer as well as the lump and bump. This will include general, broad principles applicable to every case of cancer and then matters which are unique to each case. In short, the message from this part in the series is that if you end up being a cancer patient or have one in the family, the onus is upon you to learn about this disease and to know that the limited choices you are given for treatment (cut, poison, burn) are based upon a limited, narrow-minded perception and that there is much more to the story and numerous others options. You will most-likely not be told that story and hence it is upon you to find out for yourself. Cancer is a curable disease and the first step to treating it (or preventing it) is removing ignorance from yourself regarding it and to take greater responsibility for your own health. This will dramatically affect the chances ofcure and survival and will put you in a much better position to make informed choices about treatment options.
In the next few parts in the series we will discuss the primary risk factor for cancer [which is to do with the immune system] and outline around twenty or so precipitating or facilitating factors which lead to the development ofcancer in the human body.