Cancer Simplified: Part 1 - What Is Cancer and How Does It Develop?

The traditional view has been that cancer is a bump or alump which has developed in the body over a period of time due to cells going out of control. Upon this understanding, it is conventionally treated by cutting (surgery), poisoning(chemo) or burning (radiotherapy) or a combination thereof. In most cases, the cancer growth returns, usually more aggressively because these treatments act very harshly upon an already immunocompromised body which is what allowed the cancer to develop in the first place. In the short term, these methods remove the cancerous growth and appear as cures. But in the long term, they put the body in a much more compromised and precarious state.
The first thing to understand that the body has an in-builthealing mechanism which involves the replacement of old or damaged cells. When damage occurs signals are sent out which trigger mechanisms to grow new cells. Once the new cells have grown and repairing is complete a signal is sent to say that the job has been completed. In the disease ofcancer, something affects this signalling system and the cells continue to grow. This out-of-control 'healing' process continues over a period of time (this can be many years) until a 'lump' or 'bump' develops and this is described as 'cancer'. In reality, the lump is only a symptom of the cancer. Getting to the reality of what cancer is involves asking the questions:What caused the problems in the signals? Or what caused the cells to spiral out of control? Or what damaged the regulatory mechanism? We will come to answer these questions in due course.
Coming back to this cancer process, there are a number of stages. In the first stage, the cells grow at a much higher rate than normal. There may be nothing wrong with these cells, they can be normal, their DNA can be normal, but they grow and multiply faster than normal. These cells will tend to clump together and what is happening here is referred to as 'hyperplasia' when tissue is being enlarged due to rapid cell growth. After a period, this clump will move to the second stage which is when it turns 'neoplastic', that is when it starts to form a mass and is on its way to eventually becoming cancer. As these processes take place, the way the cancer cells stay alive also changes. Because the cells in the tumuorous mass become starved of oxygen, their cell biochemistry changes and they come to rely on sugar (glucose) to stay alive and grow. [Sugar is a huge cancer feeder]. The tumour will seek to stay alive by sending signals for capillaries to develop in its direction. Over time, it will become like an organ in itself, soak up the body's nutrition and energy and slowly cause it to waste, leading to death.
Cancer cells grow in all bodies but because of the robustness of the immune system in a healthy body, they are quickly identified and disposed of. As a result, hyperplasia and therefore neoplasticity never develop as intermediate stages before the cancer. In an immunocompromised body, a body whose ability to clean up these cells is weakened, the cells will continue to grow, become neoplastic, turn cancerous and eventually develop their own supply which is siphoned away from the bodies healthy cells and organs. This process can take many years and goes undetected until an unusal 'lump' or 'bump' is discovered.
There are dozens of factors involved in the causation of cancer, each of which weaken the immune system and they come under two broad categories at the cellular level: Insufficient nutrition and poisoning through toxicity. Examples could include pollution, pesticides, carcinogens in food, air and water, tobacco smoke, consuming junk food or nutritionally-empty food, electromagnetic radiation, conventional drugs, toxic metals, parasites, x-rays, toxicemotions and so on. When tumour masses are analysed by toxicologists, they often find carcinogenic chemicals. In many cases, sustained toxic emotions or a huge emotional trauma could be the trigger. In reality, the causes ofcancer in each person vary a great deal and involve a combination of factors.
From the above, one should immediately realise that the conventional cut, poison and burn treatment system is severely limited and does not really cure the cancer but simply rids the body of the symptom (the lump, bump, clump) whilst leaving the true underlying causes completely untouched. A true and real cure has to involve a lot more than just destroying the tumour [which conventional cures are primarily focused upon]. Thus a broader, more sophisticated approach has to be taken in order to reverse this disease from its foundations.