Account of Power


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01:13AM Fri 27 Feb, 2015

Al-Rum (The Romans) - Chapter 30: Verse 8 (partial)

"Have they not reflected on their own selves?"

There are plenty of signs and evidence which point to the Hereafter but people are heedless of these due to their own shortsightedness. They only see the apparent and outward aspect of this worldly life and they are unaware of what is hidden behind it. If people reflect on their own selves, apart from the external phenomena, they will realize the necessity of a second life after the present one. The following represent three special characteristics of a human being:
1. All the bounties of the earth and around it are bestowed upon human beings for their use. 2. Man is free to choose a way of life for himself. He can follow virtue or vice, obedience or denial, the way of belief or disbelief. 3. Man judges deeds as good and bad and decides on a good action to be rewarded and an evil one to be punished.
These three characteristics in themselves identify that man will be called to account for his deeds, for the use of the powers delegated to him. This call will happen after man's life-activity has finished. The checking and auditing of the account will be done only after all the activities of not only one man, or one nation but of all mankind living in this world have expired. Hence, the very pattern of living in this world demands that after the present life there will be another life when a court will be established, the life-record of every person be examined justly and then reward or punishment be given according to one's deeds. Compiled From: "Words That Moved the World" - Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad, pp. 61, 62