ZP by-polls: After heated debate, Tanzeem ultimately accords for Abdul Raheem

05:50AM Sun 22 Sep, 2013

21 Sep 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: After a heated debate at a meeting held in Tanzeem on Saturday morning and subsequent polls for selection of candidate, Tanzeem has reversed their decision and has finally favoured Congress's candidate Abdul Raheem Shaikh. In this administrative meeting of Tanzeem, polling was held between Abdul Raheem Shaikh and Syed Imran Lanka. Out of 50 members and 20 representatives of masjids, only 22 voted in favour of Imran while remaining 48 chose Abdul Raheem. On this occasion, public also shouted slogans demanding removal of some of Tanzeem's members. Since Mankal Vaidya won the recent MLA elections, his ZP seat has been vacant since then, for which by-polls are now being held. Abdul Raheem has managed to get a ticket from Congress and also has assurances of support from the present MLA. Considering all this, if people from Panchayat locality respect Tanzeem's decision and vote in favour of Abdur Raheem, then his win will be certain. It is also worth mentioning here that the public is not very satisfied with the crucial contemporary decisions taken by Tanzeem after which Tanzeem had to reverse them. Some intellectual members of the community have expressed their concerns on this and have questioned such frequent decision changes to pride and reputation of Tanzeem because if under pressure Tanzeem takes a decision and later reverses it, then their decisions will be belittled and it will become difficult for them to maintain their dignity and hold among public. tanzeem-meeting-1