Your phone can be hacked with a photo, is this setting not on in WhatsApp?
02:38PM Mon 2 Jan, 2023

New Delhi: 2 January 2023: Hackers keep finding new ways every day to make people their victims. But now GIF is being used for hacking which is very dangerous. Hackers usually use phishing links to target people. But now GIF is being used for hacking, which is very dangerous. With this, hackers can easily enter your phone.
Now, this matter is related to WhatsApp because of this. Because hackers are targeting people only through WhatsApp. There are many such features in WhatsApp, which are not known to everyone. In such a situation, we are going to tell you about a setting here, which you have to turn off in WhatsApp. So that you can avoid any possible danger.
This is how hacking is happening
Actually, hackers are now implanting phishing attacks in GIF images instead of phishing links. It is named GIFShell. Till last year, there was a vulnerability in WhatsApp, due to which hackers could hack anyone’s phone just by sending GIF images. Even though WhatsApp has fixed this vulnerability. But, due to the mistake of users, hackers can still take access to the phone.
Actually, the feature of Media Auto-Download of WhatsApp remains on many people’s phones. If this setting is not turned off, then videos, GIFs, images, or other files coming from an unknown source are automatically downloaded. In such a situation, hackers can take advantage of it.
To turn this setting off:
To turn off this setting, users have to go to the settings of WhatsApp. Here users will get the option of Storage and Data. Have to tap on it. Here you will get the option of automatic media download. You have to turn off this setting. In this way you can stop the entry of hackers.