Women visiting graveyard is “haram”, Saudi cleric issues fatwa

12:12PM Mon 19 Feb, 2018

Jeddah: The clerics of Saudi Arabia are indulging in a controversial issue of women’s going to the graveyard. Some say that it is “haram”. Shaik Saleh Al-Fozan, a noted Saudi cleric made it clear that those who support women going to graveyard are telling lies. He categorically pointed out that Islam prohibited women from going to graveyards. He said this while talking to newsmen at Jeddah on Sunday, 18th February 2018. Fatwa against women allowing male shopkeepers help wear bangles It may be mentioned that earlier, Darul Uloom Deoband had issued a fatwa against women allowing male shopkeepers help wear bangles. According to the report published in TOI, cleric of Deoband termed it as sin. It may be mentioned that the fatwa was issued after a resident of Deoband Town approached the Islamic Institute with the query, “Is it right for Muslim women to allow strange men touch their hands while helping them wear bangles”. In reply to the query, he said that it is “haram” to allow male shopkeepers touch women’s hands. Scholars in Deoband town supported the stand. Mufti Tariq Qasmi, a cleric supporting the fatwa said that as per Sharia, women cannot talk to strangers thus allowing male shopkeeper touch their hands is wrong. With inputs from agencies