'WikiLeaks will not affect India-U.S. ties'

01:27AM Thu 23 Dec, 2010

WASHINGTON, December 23, 2010 : The release of secret State Department cables by WikiLeaks will not affect the growing relationship between India and the United States, the two countries have agreed.

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, called Minister of External Affairs S. M. Krishna over telephone to discuss a wide range of issues ranging from bilateral relationship, to the situation in the region including Afghanistan and WikiLeaks cables.

The telephonic conversation between the two leaders lasted for about 15 minutes, State Department spokesman P.J.Crowley said.

"They covered a range of subjects which reflect the depth of U.S.-Indian relations, including President Obama's successful visit and plans for the next Strategic Dialogue," he said.

"They talked about the importance of ongoing counterterrorism cooperation. They also discussed the situation in Afghanistan, and the Minister Krishna expressed condolences over the loss of Richard Holbrooke," he said.

"The Secretary and Minister agreed that unauthorised release of classified cables would not affect cooperation between India and the United States," Mr. Crowley said.

Mr. Krishna invited Ms. Clinton to visit India for the second round of the strategic dialogue, dates for which will be decided through diplomatic channels, MEA officials said.

The first round of the strategic dialogue was held in the U.S. in June this year.

Separately, U.S. Under-Secretary for Political Affairs William Burns had a telephonic conversation with foreign secretary Nirupama Rao on various bilateral issues and regional matters of mutual importance.