Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath on Sunday attacked his Karnataka counterpart Siddaramaiah and accused the Congress government of stalling development in the state. “We need the same party in the state and the Centre,” Adityanath said at the Parivartana Yatra rally in Bengaluru. Karnataka is scheduled have its polls in May. Referring to Siddaramaiah’s speech on Saturday where he had said he was a hindu and that Hindutva was not just the Bharatiya Janata Party’s asset, Adityanath said, “Seeing the power of Hinduism and our power, others have been forced to declare the same.” He said Hindutva was a way of life in India, reported Firstpost. “Hindutva is not specific to any caste or religion,” he said. “However, it does not promote the consumption of beef. I want to ask [Siddaramaiah], if you too are Hindu, then how correct is it for you to promote the consumption of beef?”
Adityanath accused the Congress of using Karnataka as an ATM to fund its activities. “For schemes of development to reach the youth, farmers, and a city like Bengaluru, it is necessary to have a BJP government here,” he said, according to the Hindustan Times.
Citing the examples of Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat where the Congress has been defeated in the Assembly elections in December 2017, Adityanath said, “If BJP has formed a government for the sixth time in Gujarat, its development is becoming a benchmark for India.” Adityanath compared the law and order situation in the state to that in Uttar Pradesh before the BJP formed the government in 2017. “Daughters were not safe, crime was increasing; there used to be riots every other day. Now, under the BJP there are no riots, and the UP is racing ahead in terms of development,” he said. In Karnataka, he said no action had been taken even after 22 Sangh Parivar workers were killed, reported The Times of India. “This shows that wherever the Congress is in power all is not well with governance in those states,” he said.