'We have not done any injustice' says J D Naik

07:45AM Mon 27 Dec, 2010

Bhatkal - 'Congress party does not belong to a particular community or people. It is dedicated to people of all community and religion. Our party consists of people from all sections, religions and communities. In brief, Congress is truly national party'. These were the words of Bhatkal MLA Mr J D Naik. He was addressing the press meet to clear his stand over the Namdhari Samaj's allegation against Congress. He said, 'Congress is a secular party but some section of people are trying to tarnish our image and involved in false propaganda against Congress.'

He also defended Congress Zilla Panchayat candidate from Jali constituency, Mr Abdul Raheem Shaikh and said, 'We have decided to field Muslim candidate from this seat keeping in view the majority of Muslim voters.' He also advised rebel party workers to join the campaign and support the party in upcoming panchayat elections.

Bhatkallys News, 27 Dec 2010 / Rizwan Gangavali