UAE condemns terrorist attack on Saudi Arabia's Qatif mosque

01:18AM Sun 24 May, 2015

ABU DHABI - The United Arab Emirates has condemned the terrorist attack that targeted worshippers in a mosque in Qudayh Town of Saudi Arabia's Qatif Governorate, in which tens of innocent people were killed and injured. In a statement made today, Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, reaffirmed the UAE's firm position, rejecting terrorism in all its forms, which contravened all laws, religious and moral values. "Such a heinous crime requires the international community to rally efforts to confront such cowardly acts and devious thoughts, which pay no respect to human lives and sacred places," he added. Dr. Gargash further said, while denouncing such criminal acts and renewing his rejection of violence and terrorism, that he reiterated the country’s firm standing with the brotherly Saudi Arabia in the face of these crimes aimed at the national unity of the kingdom. He also expressed the UAE government's sincere condolences to the government and people of Saudi Arabia and to the families of the victims, and wished a speedy recovery for those injured in the terrorist attack.   Khaleej Times