UAE condemns terrorist attack on a mosque in Kabul

08:33AM Sat 25 May, 2019

ABU DHABI: The UAE has strongly condemned the terrorist attack on a mosque in Afghan Capital, Kabul during Friday prayer and resulted in a number of deaths and injuries. In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, MoFAIC, said that UAE strongly condemns such criminal acts and completely reject all forms of violence and terrorism aimed at destabilising Afghanistan's security and stability, adding that these acts are contrary to religious and humanitarian values and principles. The Ministry reiterated the UAE's unwavering stance against various forms of violence and terrorism, which target everyone regardless of religion and race and whatever its origin. It called on the international community to unite to confront this serious scourge and eradicate it from its roots to ensure the security and peace of the world. The Ministry expressed its sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wished for the speedy recovery of all those injured Source: Gulf News