UAE condemns attack in Bahrain

12:15PM Wed 4 Oct, 2017

ABU DHABI: The United Arab Emirates has condemned the terrorist bombing which injured several policemen in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In a statement on Tuesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said that the UAE strongly condemns the criminal act and permanently rejects all forms of violence and terrorism, reiterating its strong support for Bahrain and its firm standing in confronting these serious crimes. The ministry went on to stress that such cowardly acts of terrorism would not undermine the determination of the Bahraini people and their resolve to continue to confront terrorism which has no homeland, religion or morals. It also called on the international community to unite in the face of this serious scourge that threatens the security and stability of the world countries. The ministry concluded its statement by wishing for a speedy recovery for those injured in the attack. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also condemned the terrorist bombing. Saudi Press Agency quoted an official source at the Saudi Foreign Ministry as reiterating the kingdom’s support to Bahrain against these acts of terrorism, which are aimed at destabilising its security and stability and intimidating its people. Meanwhile, General Secretariat of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has expressed strong condemnation of the terrorist bombing. Dr. Yousef Bin Ahmed Al Othaimeen, the OIC Secretary-General, expressed solidarity with Bahrain in its response to all acts of terrorism aimed at destabilising its security and stability, terrorising innocent civilians and damaging public property. Dr. Yousef emphasised OIC’s principled and firm position, which strongly condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.