Two killed as riot rage engulfs Sohar

01:37PM Mon 28 Feb, 2011

SOHAR, Feb 28,2011: Two demonstrators were killed in Sohar yesterday after the police fired rubber bullets into the crowd of hundreds of protestors who were demanding political reforms, witnesses said.Lulu in Sohar was on fire and incurred heavy damages. Today, the protestors are gearing to protest in front of Majlise Shura near Seeb.

Oman News Agency (ONA) said riots in Sohar had destroyed public and private property. Police and anti-riot units moved against this subversive group to protect citizens and their property, which led to some injuries, the ONA added.

The protestors had gathered for a second straight day in a main square in Sohar before police tried to disperse them first with tear gas and batons, a witness said.

The demonstrators tried to storm the police station in an attempt to release their colleagues arrested earlier. "When it didn't work, the police then fired in the air before firing rubber bullets into the crowd. I saw many of them running and falling. Two died on the spot," a witness working at Sohar Port, said.

The crowd immediately dispersed and later regrouped to torch the police station, the office of the wali of Sohar and the Ministry of Manpower office, but no casualties were reported.

"Thick smoke billowed out of these buildings. The police took away the arrested protestors and transferred them to other towns," a witness said.

On Saturday, about 500 protestors caused a huge traffic jam at the Globe roundabout, chanting slogans, "we want jobs," we want end to corruption", "we want long-serving ministers to go".

Some protestors wanted His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said to appoint Majlis Al Shura members to the Cabinet, whose members are elected but have no legislative power but only advice the government. Most of the protestors in Sohar were jobless or lowly paid workers.

"We cannot survive on RO200 when the rent is about the same for a two bedroom flat in Sohar," a protestor said who is still looking for a job a year after graduating from school.

A member of Majlis Al Shura, who declined to be identified, said, "The Shura Council is calling a meeting over the way police handled the situation in Sohar. We will also request a meeting with the government to talk about the issue."

"Twenty-five of us, unhappy with the authorities' handling of the situation in Sohar, met the government to discuss our concerns," another council member said.

Security forces set up roadblocks on a main road between Muscat and Sohar.

Meanwhile, ONA said all the demonstrators who were held during the riots in Sohar have been released.

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said showers largesse

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said yesterday issued Royal Orders to grant RO150 per month to each jobseeker registered with the Ministry of Manpower until he or she finds a job. His Majesty the Sultan gave Royal Orders that there will be a number of ministers from the members of the Majlis Al Shura, with effect from the next term.

His Majesty also issued orders to employ 50,000 citizens.

In response to the Royal Orders of His Majesty, Sayyid Ali bin Hamoud Al Busaidi, minister of the Diwan of Royal Court, headed to the Wilayat of Sohar yesterday to meet the group of demonstrators and listen to their demands in

the presence of Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Isa'ee, chairman of the Majlis Al Shura and its members.

Al Busaidi affirmed that His Majesty the Sultan is very keen and interested to achieve sustained progress of the nation and the welfare of the citizens and all that which may help ensure prosperity of the Omani people.

Regarding the demand to give Majlis Al Shura more powers, His Majesty ordered the formation of a ministerial committee chaired by the minister of the Diwan of Royal Court to implement the proposals that were submitted as per the suggestions of the members of the Majlis Al Shura.

More independence

Regarding the independence of the Public Prosecution, His Majesty ordered to take the required steps to achieve this goal.

His Majesty also ordered to expand the power of the State Audit Institution by adding the administrative audit to its purview and providing it with members from the Council of Oman and other institutions.