Thousands of devotees celebrate Ter Habba in Bhatkal

03:57AM Sat 16 Apr, 2016

April 15, 2016 | Rizwan Gangavaly | Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: A huge gathering of Hindu brethren pulled Hanumanth Temple’s historical ‘Rath’ (Chariot) today evening with traditional fervour and in a peaceful manner. Since morning, thousands of devotees flocked to the temple wheree special arrangements for pooja (worship) was made and in the evening participated in the pulling of rath. This event designates historical Hindu-Muslim brotherhood and as usual today also, a group of Hindu brethren under the leadership of Surendra Shahnbhag, went to Chirkin Shabandari’s house at Sultan Street and took permission from Ansar Shabandari to pull the rath. The rath originated from Hanumanth temple, passed through Flower market, Main Road, turned towards Car Street from where it returned back to originating point and came to a halt. A large gathering of Hindu brethren participated in the procession. Strict security arrangement was put into place in Bhatkal and additional forces were deployed in view of the rath festival today. - ARF