Thousands express solidarity and allegiance to His Majesty

02:20AM Wed 2 Mar, 2011

AFTAB H. KOLA in Times of Oman
MUSCAT, March 2,2011: In an impressive demonstration of solidarity and allegiance to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and his government, around 4,000 people from all walks of life took out a march in Bausher yesterday.

The peaceful march, with slogans of unflinching support to His Majesty, began from the C (East) gate of Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in Bausher at 4.15pm after asr prayers. The procession made its way to the main gate of the mosque and proceeded towards the roundabout that bisects Ghala industrial area and Royal Hospital.

Huge presence

The marchers stood aground for 10 minutes there chanting praises for His Majesty the Sultan. There were only 700 people when the procession started but later the crowd swelled to nearly 1,200. The procession then threaded its way passing through Cadillac showroom and then moved towards the Ghala roundabout. A stream of bystanders joined the march swelling it further and making it a huge procession.

The police, in small numbers, diverted the traffic to other routes clearing the way for the procession to move smoothly. When the march reached the Ghala roundabout, more and more people, who reached the area late, joined it. The marchers, overwhelmingly Omanis, but also included a few sprinklings of expatriates, expressed their love and support for His Majesty through posters, banners placards and loud voices. The processionists were also carrying Oman's flags and portraits of His Majesty.

The procession included ordinary people, businessmen, government employees, women and children. Some of the placards read, "Don't damage property"; "We are proud of our achievements" and "We pledge our loyalty to His Majesty the Sultan".

Talking to Times of Oman, Ibtihal Al Zedjali, a marcher, said the procession is to express our solidarity to our ruler, adding that "His Majesty has done enough for the country and we are proud of the achievements. We fully support him."

Sheikha Al Masrafi, who came all the way from Jalan Bani Bu Ali quoting Lord Byron said, "He who loves not his country can love nothing. Those who don't love the country indulge in all such mad protests. Peaceful protests are always welcome but the looting is sending a wrong signal to outsiders. If there is a need for raising awareness about issues concerning the nation there are many platforms."

"Rioting has to be condemned in strongest terms," she added.

The procession then made its way from Ghala roundabout to the main highway on the right. By the time it took the main highway, the crowd swelled to 4,000.

Impressive growth

Salem Al Abri, who joined the procession at the Ghala roundabout, chanting support to His Majesty, said, "The impressive growth have resulted in social and economic development of Oman. Can't they (protestors) see it? Some few hundred people should not dictate terms to the government. No country in the world can make all its citizens happy and well-off. It is the part of the story of life. But His Majesty has tried his best to do whatever he can to make Oman a better place to live. The development can be seen all over". Many physically-challenged people who had come all the way from different pockets of Muscat Governorate were seen enthusiastically chanting "Hail Our Sultan".

Fahad Mahrouqi, an employee with the Royal Flight, said, "This is the day we want to send out a message to those who are protesting that violence has to be shunned and we should pledge our support to His Majesty's rule."

A big presence of businesspersons was seen in the procession. They included Khalid Zubair, Husain Jawed, Khalid Al Wohaibi, Maqbool Hamed, Murtuza Hasan, Kanak Khimji, Anil Khimji, Ameer Ahmed among others. Ameer Ahmed, chairman and managing director, Manappat Group of Companies, exuding confidence in the leadership of His Majesty proudly said, "I am very happy that I could participate in the procession to pledge allegiance to His Majesty the Sultan. I consider that I have done my duty. Being in Oman for the last 26 years, I have seen the ups and downs and I can tell with conviction that His Majesty is really a gift from Allah to the residents - both Omanis and expatriates. Where else in this world we could see a better and wiser leader than His Majesty who has pledged his entire life for the welfare of his people? I salute his vision, compassion and commitment to his people."

As the procession moved forward, a large number of cars on other side of roads honked. The people inside the car waved Oman's flags and cheered the processionists.

Khalid Marhoon Al Hasani, who had come early to join the procession, said, "This is the time to show solidarity to our ruler. The people in general have benefited from His Majesty's rule."

The procession then took a right turn near the Oman Oil petrol station and passing through the BEC office building re-entered the Grand Mosque campus from the east gate, culminating in front of the main entrance. The crowd dispersed rather quickly in order to avoid the traffic rush.