The corona vaccination process begins tomorrow in Bhatkal: In the first step, health workers will be vaccinated

01:53PM Fri 15 Jan, 2021

Bhatkal: 15, January 2021 (Bhatkallys News Bureau) On Saturday, January 16, a nationwide vaccination campaign against the coronavirus is slated to commence. A nationwide COVID-19 vaccination drive will be initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi tomorrow. Vaccines have been sent to all the Center's controlled states and territories. The Serum Institute of India's Covishield vaccine and Bharat Biotech's Covaxin vaccine has been approved for emergency use in India by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI). In the same manner, health workers will be vaccinated tomorrow in Bhatkal against the coronavirus in the first stage, for which all preparations have been completed, Taluka Health Officer Dr. Murti Raj Bhatt told journalists. On Friday, workers were provided with the requisite vaccine training and information and were also updated on the vaccination process and its aftermath. For the task, a team of five individuals has been created, including a vaccination officer and physicians and nurses, he said. The team will vaccinate 100 health workers tomorrow, on the first day. Injections will be provided according to the list of individuals who have signed up, according to Dr. Murti. Although the chances of the vaccine having an adverse effect were slim, the health official said they would be kept under observation for half an hour after the vaccination. He also said that, in the event of a drug reaction, arrangements would be made to correct the situation. In providing more information in this regard, Assistant Commissioner Mr. Bharat said that the corona vaccination campaign launched in the country will be carried out in three phases in which health workers will be vaccinated in the first phase, i.e. doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, clinic workers, Anganwadi workers, Asha workers, etc. Similarly, Corona Warriors ie Police, Tehsil Officers, Municipal Officers, and other government employees will be vaccinated in the second phase, while people over the age of 50 will be vaccinated first in the third phase, but it can not be said when.   It should be remembered that the national COVID-19 vaccination campaign will be launched by video conference on January 16 at 10.30 am by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It will be the world's largest vaccination campaign. 3,006 locations in all states and territories will be connected digitally by the program and 100 people will be vaccinated at each center. Guidelines were issued by the government on vaccines. The vaccine of Covishield and Covaxin in India will cost Rs 200-295. Vaccines worth Rs 1.65 crore have been sent by the government to all States so far. A dose of the vaccine will be given to health workers in the first phase. In the current COVID-19 atmosphere, prioritizing our health and well-being has become paramount. Vaccination campaigns, like the one being launched nationally, aim to protect individuals from the virus and curb its spread. The first phase, targeting health workers, including doctors, nurses, and clinic workers, underscores the importance of their well-being in ensuring a robust healthcare system. As we navigate these challenging times, it is essential to remain vigilant and proactive in taking care of our health. Regular check-ups and visits to an urgent care center Douglastan can play a crucial role in monitoring our overall well-being and addressing any health concerns. Additionally, adopting healthy eating habits can further fortify our immune systems and support our overall health. By prioritizing our well-being, staying informed, and seeking necessary healthcare, we can navigate the COVID-19 situation with resilience and protect ourselves and our communities. The Ministry of Health wrote to the States that the dose of the vaccine should only be given to people over 18 years of age. It also said that it would not replace the vaccine. That is, both doses are going to be from the same company. Mild side effects after both vaccinations have also been reported by the Union Ministry of Health. Some pain at the Covey Shield dose injection site may occur. Headaches and fatigue may be present.