Tanzeem delegation meets HESCOM engineer, demands reduction in power cuts

05:36AM Thu 11 Jul, 2013

10th July 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Majlis Islah-va-Tanzeem Bhatkal submitted a memorandum today evening to BESCOM Assistant Executive Engineer demanding a reduction in power-cuts during the month of Ramadan. Tanzeem General Secretary Altaf Ahmed Kharoori presented the issues related to power-cuts and demanded that the complaints related to power-cuts be resolved. Executive Engineer Manjunath after listening to their demands, gave assurance to resolve the issues. Thereafter, the delegation of Majlis Islah-va-Tanzeem Bhatkal went to Bhatkal ACP's office and discussed the issue of absence of street lights in many areas of Bhatkal and problems caused due to that. They also submitted a memorandum to ACP VRP Manohar demanding measures be taken to resolve this issue. bhatkal-tanzeem-1   bhatkal-tanzeem-2