Suleman Khateeb’s Dakhini Urdu poetry reforms society

12:11PM Tue 25 Dec, 2012

suleman-khateebGulbarga – 35 Dec 2012: A grand function was organized in Gulbarga by Suleman Khateeb Memorial Trust to commemorate the noted Dakhini Urdu poet Suleman Khateeb. Speaking on this occasion, former railway minister, Mr. C. K. Jafer Shareef said that, no doubt, the poetry of Suleman Khateeb touches the heart. His poems are meant to reform society. Mr. Shareef told that he feels that Suleman Khateeb is still alive. He pointed out that in the era of scientific and technological development, his poetry penetrates into peoples’ hearts. He released the Kannada translation of Suleman Khateeb’s book “Keode Ka Bun”. Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Editor of The Siasat Daily released the audio CD of Suleman Khateeb’s voice. He recalled that whenever Suleman Khateeb used to visit Hyderabad, he invariably used to meet him. He told that Khateeb’s poetry starts with “Aah” (appraisal) and ends on “Wah” (lamenting). He pointed out that in the earlier poems composed by Suleman Khateeb, he stressed in a subtle way many serious social problems in a very effective way. Mr. Zahid Ali Khan told that impressed by Suleman Khateeb’s couplet “Jiski Ladki Jawan hoti hai, us ki aafat mein jaan hoti hai” [ His life becomes perturbed when his daughter attained puberty]. He started propagating the message to make marriage easier and simple. He has made it the mission of his life to arrange the marriages of poor Muslim girls. He said that he is fully in agreement with the sentiments expressed by Suleman Khateeb in his poems. He said that the Muslims can lead a respectable life only by getting themselves educated. He applauded the members of Suleman Khateeb’s family that they are making efforts to keep Khateeb’s poems alive and also to communicate them to others. The memorial gold medals and prizes that are given every year to commemorate Suleman Khateeb are commendable. On this occasion, he made an announcement that an Urdu medium topper of Central Entrance Test of Karnataka will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 25,000 every year by Siasat. Mr. Amjad Hussain, Chairman of Karnataka Urdu Academy announced that the copies of Suleman Khateeb’s book translated in Kannada would be purchased by the Academy. Urdu Academy will also hold a seminar every year to commemorate Suleman Khateeb. Former MP of Gulbarga, Mr. Iqbal Ahmed Sardagi applauded the efforts of Suleman Khateeb Memorial Trust which awards prizes to students every year. He also read out messages sent by former CM of Karnataka, Mr. Dharam Singh and Union Labour Minister, Mr. Mallikarjun Karghe. Mr. Qamarul Islam, MLA in his presidential address told that Suleman Khateeb was the popular public poet. He worked for the eradication of social evils. He was one of the great poets of Dakhini Urdu who became famous throughout India. The soil of Deccan can rightly take pride in his personality. Earlier, Dr. Shameem Surayya  who is the daughter of Suleman Khateeb presented the report of the trust. Mr. Tamkeen Khateeb presented welcome address. Mr. Mateen Khateeb proposed vote of thanks. By - Mr. Zahid Ali Khan (source: Siasat)