SR1,200 salary set for Indian housemaids

10:28AM Tue 22 Jul, 2014

The National Recruitment Committee has fixed the monthly salary of Indian maids at SR1,200, said sources. The new labor contract stipulates that maids must be given free time for at least eight hours daily and a paid vacation of 15 days annually or 30 days after two years of service. Maids must also be given return economy tickets, the committee said. Employers must deposit maids’ salaries in their bank accounts in the Kingdom at the end of every month and show proof of payment to their domestics. Employers will also pay SR168 in fees for the endorsement of their maids’ documents at the embassy. Employers are also obliged to help workers transfer their salaries back home and maids should be given enough freedom to contact the embassy or consulate or their family members. Indian maids looking for employment in Saudi Arabia must be between 25 and 50 under the new employment agreement. India had first stipulated the maids must be at least 40 before the two countries reached a compromise. “The Indian government will not prevent maids aged 25 from coming into the Kingdom,” said Ahmed Al-Faheed, Saudi Labor Ministry undersecretary for international affairs. He said Indian maids would be given a crash course in each of the subcontinent’s states in India before they are sent to Saudi Arabia. “Training will be provided by labor agencies in India, but Saudi labor agencies are planning to set up offices there to supervise procedures for the recruitment of maids, including visa, travel, training and other issues,” he said. “It will also ensure that the maids are given adequate housing and are not be manipulated by their employers. At the same time, the agreement includes stringent penalties for recruitment offices which violate the rules and try to cheat domestic labor.” Arab News