Shiv Sena Wants Muslims to Realise the Necessity of Family Planning

12:59PM Tue 7 Jul, 2015

Mumbai: In controversial remarks, the Shiv Sena today said the increasing population of Muslims in the country will cause language and geographical imbalance and asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ensure that Muslims accept the necessity of family planning. The Sena said that increasing the Hindu population to counter Muslims is not the solution and that the "Sangh" should pressurise the government to strictly impose family planning on all religions.
"From 2001-11, Muslim population increased by around 24 per cent and must have increased by another 5-10 per cent till 2015. The increasing population will cause language, geographical and sentimental imbalance and will create cracks in the unity of the country," the Sena said in an edit in mouthpiece 'Saamana.'