Shams English Medium school holds special function on Welcoming Ramadan

06:39AM Mon 8 Jul, 2013

6th July 2013 / Rizwan Ganguly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: A program on "Welcoming Ramadan" was organized yesterday by SIO Shams Circle at Shams English Medium School. Addressing the students, Er. Haroon Rasheeed (Professor of King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia) said that we always welcome our special guests and decorate our house in order to please them and attain their love. Similarly, Ramadan is a special month in which blessings and mercy of Allaah pour down from the skies. Ramadan also has a special significance as Qur'an was revealed in it. He also mentioned about various issues and facts concerning the importance of Ramadan. Apart from him, School's cultural leader Azizi Sakib Husian Kaktri and Dr. Mohammed Hanif Shabab were present in the function. shams-school-welcome-01