Shams celebrates Annual Gathering; Zuhaib Karuri awarded Najm-e-Ikhwan

08:11AM Thu 23 Dec, 2010

Bhatkal - Shams English Medium High School which is managed and run by Idara Tarbiat Ikhwan has awarded its Best Student Award, 'Najm-e-Ikhwan' to Mr Mohammed Zuhaib S/o. Jeelani Kharuri. The award was presented to him at an annual program 'Shams Fest - 2010' here at Syed Ali Campus located off Jamia Abad Road yesterday.

The program started with the Qirat of Mohammed Saad followed by Naat and Tarana Shams. Mr Ashraf Barmavar delivered the welcome speech and introduced the guests. Later Shams Principal Mr Mohammed Shafi Shaikh presented the annual report followed by Sports and Cultural activities report by Mr Raza Manvi and Mr Abrar Khateebi respectively.

In his keynote address, chief guest Mr Munawwar Pasha, Pricipal Islamia Arabic College Mansoora highlighted the importance of Education and its impact on society. He said, 'It is the duty of every teachers to nourish the talent of a student and apart from teaching they should also engage in training and character building.' He also said, 'We should try to gain both Islamic and Modern education simultaneously.'

On this occasion Dr Zarrar Ikkery also interacted with the audience. Mr Qadir Meeran Patel delivered the presidential address. Later prize distribution program was held wherein several students received medals, certificates and trophies. Mr Riyaz Raun compered the program and Mr Abrar Khateebi proposed the vote of thanks. Thus the inaugural program was concluded just before Zohar prayers.

The second session was begun after lunch break and concluded just before sunset wherein colorful cultural programs were presented by Primary section students. The third and final session was started after Isha prayers and finished at around mid-night wherein High School students performed stage drama and other cultural activities. Large number of people attended the program.

Bhatkallys News, 23 Dec 2010 / Photos: Rizwan Gangavali