SDPI's 'Stop Politics of Terrorism' programs held in Bhatkal and Shiroor.

03:26AM Sun 8 Dec, 2013

SDPI_Stop_Politics_2Bhatkal, 2nd Dec. 2013: As a part of the ongoing National campaign 'Stop Politics of Terrorism' of Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI), a seminar was held in Bhatkal on the 28th of November and a public program was held in Shiroor yesterday. The so-called fight against terrorism in the name of 'War Against Terrorism' is only a tool in the hands of officials and politicians with communal and fascist mindset to cover their loot, corruption and fascist agenda. Card of terrorism is used by the hindutva political parties as vote bank politics by creating fear in Hindus, and by the so called secular political parites by creating fear in the minorities and projecting themselves as their guardians. SDPI is the only political party which has raised its voice against the politics of terrorism. These were some of the points spoken by Ahmed Saquib, National Working Committee Member, SDPI, at the program, who was the main speaker of the function at Bhatkal. For Complete speech click here. Speaking at both the functions, Moulana Muazzam, Karnataka State President, Imam Council of India, put forth chronologically the major communal riots that occurred in India from pre independence to the latest Muzzafarnagar violence. He said that since the event of murder of Gandhiji by Naturam Godse it has always been the plan of the fascist forces to portray Muslims as the provocateurs of terrorism. Anwar Sadaat, Karnataka State Working Committee Member, said that SDPI along with the Dalits, Christians and other minorities has an agenda to create a hunger free and terror free India. He said that SDPI works pro-actively for the development of India and there is no place for corruption in this party. Abdur Rauqee MJ, Executive Committee Member, Majlise Islah O Tanzeem, speaking on the occasion said about the harassment faced by the Bhatkally people and the maligning of the Bhatkal town, specially by the local print media. He said that the Tanzeem had filed a few cases against the media and is fighting a legal battle to protect the rights of Bhatkally people. Inayatulla Shabandri, JDS Taluka President and Vice President Majlise Islah O Tanzee and Advocate Imran Lanka also presented their views on the occasion. SDPI_Stop_Politics_3 SDPI_Stop_Politics_1 SDPI_Stop_Politics_6 SDPI_Stop_Politics_4 SDPI_Stop_Politics_5 Bhatkallys News Report: Dr. Afaaque Lanka Photos: Yousuf Khan