Sandstorms suspend schools, cancel flights in southern cities

03:05PM Wed 15 Apr, 2015

Saudi Arabian Airlines announced Tuesday that it was canceling its flights to and from the southern cities of Najran, Sharourah and Bisha as a result of bad weather conditions. Sandstorms in many parts of the Kingdom have also forced authorities to suspend classes in schools and universities, electronic newspaper reported. Educational institutions hit by dusty conditions included colleges of Baha University and schools in Baha region. All boys and girls schools in the region were closed on Tuesday. The unpleasant weather has caused health complications among people. Many students in Baha said they were unaware of the decision to suspend classes and urged authorities to base such decisions on weather forecast. “I drove 30 km to my college only to know that classes were suspended. This is unfair,” said one student who introduced himself as Saleh Al-Zarae. The southern city of Namas and its surrounding villages were also hit by bad weather, forcing authorities to suspend classes. Parents in Namas were also upset about authorities’ late decision to cancel classes as many of them had taken their children to schools braving dreadful dust storms. -arabnews