Royal pardon: Thankful prisoners are over the moon

07:19AM Sun 1 Feb, 2015

JEDDAH: The General Directorate of Prisons is preparing to implement a Royal Decree issued by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman to pardon public-rights prisoners, as well as exemptions from financial penalties that don’t exceed SR500,000. The directorate announced its readiness to apply the directions as soon as the pardons are received. The Director General of the Kingdom’s Prisons, Maj. Gen. Ibrahim bin Mohammed Al-Hamzi, expressed his deepest gratitude and appreciation to the king for his decision, which he claimed, serves the best interests of the country and people. Speaking to local media, Al-Hamzi stressed that this royal gift would reunite the pardoned prisoners with their families. Al-Hamzi also pointed out that these pardons exempt prisoners from having to pay financial fines, as long as they don’t exceed SR500,000, in addition to repaying those indebted with financial liabilities in accordance with the conditions stated in the Royal Decree. Prisons in Makkah embarked on the task of preparing the files of the pardoned prisoners, in order to submit them to the committee entrusted with implementing the amnesty. Col. Saleh bin Ali Al-Qahtani, head of Makkah’s prisons, expects about 50 percent of the total number of possible amnesty prisoners to benefit from the pardons. “The prisoners swore allegiance to King Salman, Crown Prince Muqrin, deputy premier, and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif, second deputy premier and interior minister,” Al-Qahtani said. “The prison administration extended its congratulations to the inmates included in the royal pardons who will get a second chance to walk on the right path and be good, productive citizens in society,” he added. -arabnews