Residents voice their confidence in Dubai: paper

08:53AM Wed 13 Jul, 2016

The Dubai Pulse 2015 report has confirmed a belief that has been the pride of citizens and residents. A staggering 93.7 per cent of residents surveyed have given this vote of confidence that Dubai is a conducive place to raise a family because of the emirate’s infrastructure, peace and order and basic government services. This massive vote of confidence is particularly significant given the world we live in today. Many nations are plagued by violence, sectarian divisions or economic instability, but the emirate has witnessed growth in all spheres — financial and social. This is because of the vision of the leadership, supported by efficient implementation of plans and residents who are keen to take part in development and growth. The figures in the report speak for themselves: 92 per cent said they were treated with respect, 94 per cent stressed they felt safe walking alone at night. This is an extremely rare gift — a feeling of such security. This again is a cause for pride for residents of Dubai. The report highlights that residents have confidence in the health-care system with more than 90 per cent of residents and citizens saying they are satisfied with the services. But there is one worrying trend. More than 85 per cent of those surveyed said they did not do any form of physical activity regularly. And this is linked to high obesity rates — 15 per cent among residents and 29.3 per cent among Emiratis. Diet is also another concern. Residents and citizens admit that they do not eat enough fruit and vegetables. But the overall statistics reinforce the fact that Dubai has prospered and grown when there have been challenges in other parts of the world. It is no wonder then that 86 per cent of residents said they will recommend Dubai as a place to live to friends and colleagues. GulfNews