Residents oppose highway survey team in Sarpankatte

02:10AM Fri 5 Apr, 2013

national-highway-1 Bhatkal – Group of people in Sarpankatte village protested against highway survey team who arrived here to carry out survey work and forced them to leave without doing any work. According to the sources, when the villagers heard the news of highway survey team’s visit in their area, they started gathering and forced the team to go back without doing their job. It may be noted that, on 2nd April the department  of environment has convened a general meeting to discuss the highway widening project and its impact on environment in which large number of people from Bhatkal and surrounding areas under the leadership of Bhatkal Merchant Association participated and on the basis of environmental pollution strongly demanded highway to be bypassed. On this occasion most of the shops on highway were closed for half day. Bhatakallys News Service / Rizwan Gangavali