Rain-struck destitute family cries for help

04:06AM Wed 12 Jun, 2013

11th June 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: When nature causes abundant water to pour down from the skies it becomes blessing for some but for some it becomes curse. On one end, where rich relax in their mansions, poor and destitute live in fear and awe and pray to Allaah for their protection. They never know when a violent storm can destroy their homes by collapsing its roof and walls or a lightning strike can burn them. Yesterday, havoc was wreaked in a house at Talgeri area in Kokti Nagar when a family consisting of mother Mehrunnisa (36) and her two small kids, Saira (6) and Simran (10) was sleeping. Mehrunnisa constructed this house after toiling as a domestic servant so that they can have a roof on top of them and thus protect their honour. A violent storm with accompanying winds destroyed her house yesterday, trapping them all, under the rubble. Luck favoured them as they escaped with minor injuries and are now being treated in Bhatkal Government Hospital but their little home was completely destroyed. Mehrunnisa has requested financial aid from the wealthy people of Bhatkal and in case you are willing to help her, you can contact our correspondent Rizwan Gangavaly on this number 09449168656. rain-countinuedl-1   rain-countinuedl-2 rain-countinuedl-3