Rabita holds Hindu-Muslim get-together function

04:28AM Tue 20 Aug, 2013

19 Aug 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: To improve the bonds of unity and brotherhood between Hindus and Muslims of Bhatkal, a get-together function was organized yesterday by Rabita Society Bhatkal at Mango Farm. The programme began with the recitation of Quran. Addressing the gathering during the function, Rabita's newly elected Chairman SM Syed Khaleel-ur-Rehman said, "To improve the the bonds of unity and brotherhood between Hindus and Muslims, a committee should be formed consisting of leaders from both the community and if there arises any issue, this committee should resolve it." He further suggested that Bhatkal should be made a center for education as we have the opportunity and all the facilities available to us. He also emphasized on instituting a Medical College in Bhatkal. Expressing regret on the false propaganda launched by some sections of media in denigrating the image of Bhatkal, he said that, "Legal proceedings are being carried out against media persons who have placed false and baseless claims against Bhatkal and we are hoping that we will soon achieve success in this regard." Mr. Surinder Shahnbhag, a social worker, who was also present during the event said, "Foreign media is defaming the image of Bhatkal and if had they seen the actual picture of Bhatkal and observed the bonds of brotherhood between Hindus and Muslims then today this town's image will not have been maligned. Today if the name "Bhatkal" incites doubt in the minds of people, then it is the responsibility of the citizens of Bhatkal to tidy up this image." Bhatkal MLA, Mankal Vaidya, who was also one of the key guests of the function said, "It is good to hear that Rabita Society Bhatkal has been organizing the Hindu-Muslim get-together programs since past 15 years to eliminate discrimination and enforce the bonds of brotherhood between the two communities." Apart from them, Dr. Zarar and Inayatullaah Shabandari also expressed their thoughts on this occasion. SJ Hashim introduced Rabita, and Mr. Mohiuddin took care of organizing and administering the function. The programme came to an end with deliverance of parting words by Moulvi Syed Hashim SM Nadvi. get-together-rabita-bhatkal-01