Qatar Jamaat Organises Eid milan

04:16AM Sat 2 Oct, 2010

Doha, Qatar: Keeping alive the the glorious tradition of hosting eid milan in Doha, Qatar, the Bhatkal diaspora under the aegis of Bhatkal Muslim Jamaat has organised an impressive eid milan at the famous Maaza Hotel amidst bonhomie. Master of Ceremony Secretary Mohd Salahuddin Shabandari begins the program with a recitation of a verse from the Holy Quran. Members thronged to the venue in a large numbers in order to spread an aroma of renewed togetherness among the community.

The popular Jamaat quiz prgram 2010 was hosted by Moulavi Mohd Fuzail Armar. Mohd Zubair Khalifa, Mohd Jawad Kadli and Syed Sultan Aliakbra won top prizes respectively. Children have showcased their talent to the perfection. All of them given prizes by the Jamaat.

Recently introduced ` Make Audience Laugh Round ` has enthrals all as several members presented mimicry and jokes with best of thier skill creating an atmposphere of riote of laughter.

In his Presidential address Mohd Zubair Khalife call upon everybody to carry forward the good deeds done in Ramadhan in other months also as to change our lifestyle. Moulavi Abdul Azeem Ruknuddin, Ex Secretary also spoke.

BMJ, Qatar has extended its special thanks to Mr. Nabit Jan of Jan brothers, Khalil Siddi Ahmada, Zafar Kobatte and all the executive members who have arranged prizes diffierent kind of prizes.

S.M.Syed Zakir, Correspondent,