Preparations underway for Int'national Tablighi Ijtima in Bhopal

02:53PM Mon 20 Dec, 2010

Bhopal - Preparations are underway on a war-footing for the three-day 63rd "Aalami Tableeghi Ijtima" (World Preachers Congregation) to be held here from December 25 to 27 on the outskirts of Bhopal at Ghasipura in Eintkhedi village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. The Ijtima will conclude on December 27 with mass "Dua" (prayer).

The huge main "pandal" is coming up on about 25 acres of land to accommodate the Jamaats (Groups of devotees) from all over India. In the main "pandal" several lakh people will camp for three days listening to the holy sermons of Islamic scholars as how to inculcate the good values in life following the Islamic tenets in order to lead an upright life in this world and thereby be rewarded with Jannat-ul-Firdaus Hereafter.

On the second day separate special religious discourses will be held during the conclave for intellectuals, traders, farmers, students etc. and the participants would be asked to follow the Islamic religious tenets in their spirit apart from the message for universal brotherhood. Prominent "Akabreens" (Tableeghi elders) who will address the gatherings include: Maulana Zubair, Maulana Sa'ad, Maulana Yunus, Maulana Ahmed Laat, Maulana Yousuf, Prof. Nadir Ali etc.

Special arrangement for the deaf and dumb

Meanwhile, a special feature of the Ijtima is special arrangements for deaf and dumb people who come in Jamaats from all over the country and are housed separately. The sermons from the main "pandal" are translated to them in sign language. Their disability does not come in their way to leave their home and hearth to learn and inculcate the basic teachings of Islam to become righteous Muslims.

Mass marriage

Hundreds of couples will get married during the Ijtima when mass Nikaah will be performed in a simple manner in the spirit of Islam by the elders of the Tableeghi Jamaat.

According to Mr Ateeq-ul-Islam, spokesman and member of the organizing committee of the Tableeghi Ijtima foreign delegates from 20-25 Muslim countries and the West are likely to join the congregation. The Jamaats from foreign countries will be housed in specially erected tents furnished with all modern facilities. Jamaats from Russia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka have already arrived in the city and from many more other countries are expected to reach before the commencement of the Ijtima.

Mr Ateeq told this Correspondent that the preparations are in the final stages and all arrangements shall be complete by December 22 and the Jamaats would start arriving at the site of the Ijtima on December 24.

Security measures

He also informed that extra security measures are being taken with nothing being left to chance. While within the Ijtima campus Tableeghi Jamaat volunteers will keep a tight vigil on security while outside and around the Ijtima venue the cadres of Madhya Pradesh Police will do their job of maintaining law and order. In a bid to boost security in and around the venue CCTVs are being installed at strategic points. Police have set up watchtowers and hundreds of policemen will be present on the spot. Apart from police, the personnel of Rapid Action Force, (RAF), the Traffic police will be in attendance along with hundreds of volunteers of Tableeghi Jamaat to streamline the vehicular traffic. Special buses will be plying between the Capital and Eintkhedi village to take citizens to the venue.

CM reviews preparations

Meanwhile, Bharatiya Janata Party ruled Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan while reviewing preparations of the Ijtima at a meeting instructed officials to make elaborate arrangements for the forthcoming religious conclave.

Addressing the officials, Chouhan said that best possible arrangements should be ensured for the visiting Jamaats and directed officials of the Bhopal Municipal Corporation, (BMC), to repair the roads, which connect the city to the Ijtima venue at Ghasipura-Eintkhedi.

BMC officials informed that better facilities were being arranged at the event site with the budget of Rs. 23 lakh. The officials of PWD told the meeting that repair work for 22 sq km road falling in the Ijtima area, has been undertaken with the cost of Rs. 1.74 crore. MP State Electricity Board officials informed that 200 KVA supply is being ensured at the site.

Medical facilities would also be made available at the Ijtima site and ambulances with all the necessary health care equipments would be stationed at the event site. Railway officials informed that a computerized reservation centre would be established for the visitors and additional coaches would be attached to various trains.

It may be recalled here that the Ijtima was first organized at Masjid Shakoor Khan in the walled city in 1948.

Report: Parvez Bari, TCN