Policeman saves falling baby at Grand Mosque in Makkah

08:42AM Wed 1 Jul, 2015

A Saudi policeman acted so fast that he saved the life of a baby just before she was about to fall out off her mother’s arms and get trampled to death by thousands of pilgrim at the Grand Mosque, a newspaper reported on Wednesday. The cop was watching the pilgrims going around Islam’s holiest shrine, Kaaba, when he noticed the baby was about to fall down to the ground after her mother suddenly looked tired and her arms around her baby were loosening. “The policeman acted quickly and rushed to the woman. As the baby was falling down, he managed to catch her before she hit the ground. He saved the baby’s life as she could have been trampled by the pilgrims,” 'Ajel' daily said in a report from the Western Saudi town of Makkah, where the world’s largest mosque is located. -Emirates247