PFI's month-long campaign to "release innocents from jail"

01:37AM Wed 15 Aug, 2012

Bangalore - 15 Aug 2012: Popular Front of India (PFI) is launching a month-long campaign from today for those unfortunate ones who are languishing in jails across the country on "falsified cases and imaginary threats they pose to the security of the nation."

Muslims are over-represented in jails what PFI alleges is "due to communal prejudices in our political establishment a large number of Muslim youth continue to remain in jail only to be release much later by our courts which admit their innocence."

"While BAIL is the judicial provision and JAIL is only an exceptional alternative, we notice that this golden rule is reversed in the case of Muslim youth. In spite of compelling evidences and revelations pointing towards the involvement of hard-core, anti-people and anti-national hindutva outfits in the Malegaon, Makka Masjid, Ajmer and Samjauta Express bombing incidents, Muslim youth taken into custody then are seldom or never released, but are retained in the name of further probing to see if they can be falsely fixed in any other cases!

"Draconian laws," PFI alleged, "end up only in being misused to terrorize minorities and weaker sections of society."

Therefore, Popular Front of India, will observe a month-long, nation-wide campaign to demand the release of these innocents. The campaign will run from from 15TH August 2012 to 15TH September 2012 under the demand of "BAIL IS THE RULE; RELEASE THE INNOCENTS FROM JAIL."

Under this campaign PFI will organize corner meets, street programs, seminars, dramas, hand-bill distribution and poster campaigns to end this minority witch hunt. The funds for this campaign will come from collections done during the programs.
