Panel Discussion held on Enterprenuership and Employment Opportunities in India

11:42AM Sun 30 Dec, 2012

Bhatkal - 30 Dec 2012: A Panel Discussion on the topic 'Entrepreneurship and Employment Opportunities in India' was held here at Rabita Hall yesterday which was attended by the NRI's of Bhatkal and prominent businessmen and entrepreneurs of Nawayath Community who are settled in different parts of India. The panel discussion was organised with the aim to identify various business and entrepreneurship opportunities in India and to create employment opportunities keeping in mind the dwindling opportunities in the Gulf.
Aftab Kola welcomed the guests and gave a brief introduction about the program. Maaz Jukaku, Secratery of BMJ-Bangalore and a successful entrepreneur in the IT sector, elaborated the agenda of the discussion. He listed out a few successful businesses and industries the Nawayath community are running at present in various diverse sectors throughout India.
Addressing the gathering the Secretary General of Rabita Society, Mohammed Gouse Khalifa said, 'Let us identify different feasible projects of different slabs of investment such that one can able to invest in it individually or as a joint venture.' He stressed that we should enter into the corporate sectors too.
The Chief Guest of the function, Mr S.M. Syed Khaleel said that the main drawback and reason for failures of our community is the "Trust Deficit  in each other. He said that, 'We don't like to hire qualified people and share the responsibilities, we don't like to pay good salaries to retain talent. There is tremendous opportunities in India in every sector, there is demand for products and services in every field as the population is increasing. Our community has talent, resources and finance which needs to be utilized properly to create employment opportunities.
Speaking on this occasion, Mr Abdul Mueed Kadli, Proprietor Landlink, Bangalore said that there are various allied options for business in the Real Estate sector apart from buying, selling or building, which needs very little investment. The general feeling was that, our community wants fast success and returns which is never possible in any sustained business or industry.
The discussion was concluded with the words of thanks from Mohammed Gouse Khalifa just before Zohar prayers.
Bhatkallys News Service