One elderly person died after hit by an auto-rickshaw near Bhatkal Bus Stand

04:27AM Thu 11 Apr, 2013

10th April 13 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News

Today morning, one auto-rickshaw hit an elderly person, due to which he died. He has been identified as Mohammed Ali Kobatte (70) alias Dhaaklo Saheb. According to information received, he was crossing the road today morning, when a high speeding auto hit him and overturned on him. As a result, he came under the auto and got seriously injured. In his dire condition, he was being taken to the hospital but he died on the way. After post-mortem at Government Hospital, the corpse was taken to his house at Magdoom Colony. After Asr Salaah, his funeral prayer was offered at Magdoomia Jumma Masjid and it was expected that he will be buried in Magdoom colony graveyard.

In this accident, a passenger travelling in this auto, Fatima Shifa Ismail, a resident of Madina Colony is injured slightly.



mohammed ali kobattey