Now you can see penguins on Google's Street View

08:29AM Sat 25 Dec, 2010

Googlehas now given a new treat to all its users around the world, as its Street View has reached Antarctica. All Googler's can now navigate around the coldest place on earth that is the Antarctica and can view its glaciers and icebergs- which only a few people can visit in person. User's can also spot some penguin colonies captured by Google's camera.

Google's Earth and Maps, vice president Brian McClendon, recently announced Street View's global expansion. All seven continents including 25 countries are covered in this expansion. In his latest blog entry Mr. McClendon wrote:" We hope this new imagery will help people in Ireland, Brazil and even the penguins of Antarctica to navigate nearby, as well as enable people around the world to learn more about these areas."

But on the other hand Street View's expansion has some disapproval by some privacy campaigners, who say that its feature of spotting people's homes can cause an unwarranted intrusion into people's personal lives.