Now, Congress Bhatkal Block condemns Anant Kumar's hate-speech

12:38PM Mon 7 Mar, 2016

March 7, 2016 | Correspondent | Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: In a bid to condemn the derogatory statement made by Uttar Kannada's MP Anant Kumar Dattatreya Hegde on Islam and Muslims, Bhatkal Block Congress today held a press conference in which Vitthal Naik (President, Bhatkal Block Congress) said that BJP leaders nowadays are trying to play cheap politics by frequently making derogatory statements against other communities. Condemning strongly the derogatory words of MP Anant Kumar, he said that BJP high command should immediately sack ministers who disturb the peace and harmony of the nation. Slamming the MP's hate-speech, Mankal Vaidya (Bhatkal MLA) said that like previous occasions, such cheap politics is being played every time. In response to a query raised by a media person, the MLA responded that public will no longer be fooled by such petty politics and they know well who supports and cares for them and who visits them only during election campaigns.