New masjid inaugurated at Sagar Road Bhatkal

05:48AM Sat 6 Jul, 2013

asjid-al-bariyyah05 5th July 2013 / Rizwan Ganguly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: A new masjid named "Bariyyah Abdul Rehman Al-Mulla" was inaugurated with Asr prayers today evening at Sagar Road. The inauguration was initiated with performance of congregational Asr prayers led by Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen's Qazi Maulana Iqbal Mulla Nadvi. After the prayers, honorable Imaam and Khateeb of Jamia Masjid Bhatkal Maulana Abdul Bari Nadvi stressed the importance of populating the masjids with musallis (worshippers). Honorable maulana also gave beneficial talk on welcoming Ramadan. Apart from them, honorable Maulana Khaja Muinuddin Akrami Madani (Qazi of Markaz Khaleefa Jamaat, Bhatkal), Maulana Mohammed Shafi Qasmi Malpa gave speeches. Function ended with Maulana Iqbal Nadvi's dua and parting words by function organizer Maulana Niyamatullaah Askeri Nadvi.