New face on public wish: JD Naik

06:34AM Fri 10 May, 2013

10th May 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: "People of Bhatkal wanted to see a new face after the elections. As per their wish, an absolutely new face has appeared in front of public." This thought was expressed by Congress candidate from Bhatkal Assembly JD Naik, at a press conference. On this occasion, while blaming no one for the defeat, he said that both he and the party workers have done a lot of hard work but whom the public wanted to elect has won. On this occasion, while answering a question related to the decision of Tanzeem, he said that his party is not a party of any special community and this time too they have got votes from everyone. In the end, he gave assurance that he will continue with his efforts towards development of Bhatkal. congress-jdnaik-pressmeet-2 congress-jdnaik-pressmeet-1